Core Strengthening Exercises: Rotation – Video Series About The Best Strengthening Exercises for Your Abs and Core Muscles by John Sifferman

Last week, I posted the first video in our core strengthening exercises series. If you missed it, check it out here.

Today’s core strengthening exercise video is all about training rotational movements. The first thing that may come to mind is the oblique and the serratus anterior muscles (the little finger-like muscles on the sides of your ribs) – but practicing rotation involves a host of muscle groups. Each exercise I teach in this video is full-body in nature, and that’s how I recommend you approach core strengthening exercises. Train all of the body, all the time.

Here is a video with three different core strengthening exercises.

Rotational Core Strengthening Exercises by John Sifferman

You’ll want to go easy with the spinal rotation exercises at first, especially if you exercise in the morning (while your spinal column is still releasing fluids stored during sleep). Don’t try to force extra rotation of the spine, and only allow your body to go into ranges of motion that will not risk injury. Use your intuition and know your limits. Think of these exercises not only as core strengtheners, but also as a means of improving your mobility and relieving residual muscle tension.

Your Question of the Day is: What have you done this week to ensure you stay on track with your training goals?

To your health and success,

P.S. Stay tuned for the next core strengthening exercises video article where I discuss a better alternative to abdominal crunches.

P.P.S. You can learn some of these exercises in more depth from Scott Sonnon’s FlowFit DVD program.

3 thoughts on “Core Strengthening Exercises: Rotation – Video Series About The Best Strengthening Exercises for Your Abs and Core Muscles by John Sifferman”

  1. I just had major emergency abdominal surgery. Incision form the sternum to just below the belly button. Emergency slenectomy. My surgeon warned against doing situps, crunches, etc. – the traditional abdominal exercise movements. I just started reading and watching videos about rotational core exercise movements. They seem to be less drastic and sensibly natural movements. Could these movements replace the traditional movements and get effective results? Especially for someone in my situation? I am searching for answers to this life changing event.

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