Help Me Help You – 2016 Survey

There are some big changes in store for Physical Living.

I’ve got some grand plans for both the blog and my Youtube channel, but I’ve been having a hard time deciding what to do about the email newsletter, which has been…neglected, to say the least.

So, I know that I need to make some BIG changes in the coming weeks and months, and I’d like to get your feedback before I make any hasty decisions.

So, I’ve setup a 60-second Survey at the link below to gather your feedback…

The 60-Second Survey (all answers will remain anonymous)

I’d really appreciate it if you took a minute to share your thoughts. Your answers will largely determine the future of my website and newsletter.

UPDATE: I just took a peek at the survey results that have come in this morning, and WOW, am I glad I did this! I’ve gotten a lot of great feedback already – and some really good ideas in that “open mic” section at the end. I also saw many comments saying “thanks” and “you’re doing a great job.” So, THANK YOU for the support. You guys are the best! I really appreciate the fact that you took a moment to answer these questions. And a few of you gave very thoughtful and a lengthy suggestions that I WILL be thinking about in the coming weeks. I’ve definitely got my work cut out for me. Okay…back to the original post…

But what for? And why now?

Three reasons, mainly:

1) I’ve had SEVERAL people tell me that they’d like more frequent newsletters.

2) I’ve always used the John Sifferman – Physical Living Facebook Page for posting daily blog updates (i.e. more frequent updates), but their new system DRAMATICALLY limits my post exposure. And often, less than 10% of the people who have signed up to see my posts actually end up seeing them. So, I need a more effective way to communicate with my audience.

3) It’s time for me to get my act together and use my great newsletter service to SERVE you better.

Because let’s be honest. The email newsletter hasn’t been much of a newsletter at all. Most updates have been infrequent, at best, and usually, they’re just blog updates, which has been my main focus over the years.

That’s about to change.

I’ve got a lot of grand ideas – and many notes jotted down.

But before I do anything drastic, I wanted to hear your thoughts on the matter so that I can provide you with an awesome fitness-themed email newsletter that’s catered to your interests and needs.

So, if you’d be willing to help me out (it’ll only take a minute unless you’re particularly blabby on the last question), the survey is here…

The 60-Second Survey (all answers will remain anonymous)

Thank you very much for your help!

Your responses will make an enormous impact on the direction I take Physical Living, and ultimately, how I can better serve you in the future.

I really appreciate your support!


John Sifferman
Health-First Fitness Coach

Photo credit: 1.

2 thoughts on “Help Me Help You – 2016 Survey”

  1. Hey, why does it take 60 seconds, but I only get 50 Siffer-points?
    What do you have in mind for all the points that you’re keeping from me and the other participats, huh? Hoarder!

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