physical living

Natural Movement Doesn’t Come Naturally: You Weren’t Born Perfect

Natural movement has become a trendy topic these days with the rapidly rising awareness of parkour, freerunning, primal fitness, barefooting, and most recently, MovNat, which teaches the “natural movement training system.” Just the phrase itself, natural movement, begs an explanation. What is natural movement, and more importantly, are some movements more natural than others? If

Natural Movement Doesn’t Come Naturally: You Weren’t Born Perfect Read More »

The Barefoot Professor Putting His Money Where His Mouth Is

Harvard professor, Daniel Lieberman, has ditched his expensive running shoes and started running barefoot. His research shows that barefoot runners, who tend to land on their forefoot, generate less impact shock to their body than runners wearing shoes who land heel first. This makes barefoot running comfortable and could minimize running-related injuries. The Barefoot Professor:

The Barefoot Professor Putting His Money Where His Mouth Is Read More »

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