What’s Better Than TRX Workouts

I’m actually a big fan of the TRX Suspension Training System Workouts. It offers you the ability to train almost anywhere that you can setup the straps. TRX workouts are portable and versatile, and perfect for servicemen, traveling businessmen, and home gym trainees who need to be able to train anytime, anywhere. However, I still think that equipment-free bodyweight exercise has TRX workouts (and its competitors) beat in terms of both simplicity, practicality, and versatility.

There’s so much more you can do with just your bodyweight and new training methods are literally erupting all over the place. In fact, I think the TRX workouts are still stuck in the bodybuilding paradigm of fitness (even though they wouldn’t admit this in their marketing). It’s still focusing on the muscles, not movements, which is how the body actually works. People are getting sick and tired of the old pushups, pullups, and squats routines and they’re looking for new training styles. So, some fitness pro’s are coming out of the woodwork and delivering innovative and fun training methods that are much more sophisticated than old school calisthenics and much more effective at burning fat, building muscle, and developing conditioning.

The truth is that bodyweight exercise doesn’t have to require ANY equipment at all – not even straps. There’s no reason you can’t exercise with just a small area to do so. Sure, it’s not much trouble to pack a set of straps and handles, but every backpacker knows that ounces add up to pounds. If you travel frequently, then you may have to check a bag just because you need to pack your workout gear and it may not fit in your carry-on – and don’t tell me that isn’t an inconvenience with today’s air travel policies!

TRX Workouts are living in the past, and new bodyweight training methods are being created all the time. There’s no reason we need fancy training equipment to workout, even if it is minimal.

I think a much better option is an equipment-free bodyweight training program. There are many out there, and I’ve highlighted several on this site. One of my favorites is called TACFIT Commando. It requires ZERO equipment (just some ground space and a willing soul), and it’s jammed packed with 9 months of unique workout programs. Most of these exercises have never been seen before either, so it’s almost all fresh material (yes, it DOES have pushups, too).

You can read my review of TACFIT Commando here if you’re interested.

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