Day 3 – Body Transformation, Moderate Intensity Day
Today’s session was squeezed in at the last minute, and didn’t go exactly as planned. Here is what I did…after a day of frequent joint mobility mini-sessions.
Warmup with Flowfit, levels 3 and 4
6 rounds in 7 minutes – RPTED 7 5 1
BodyFlow practice for 10 minutes, RPTED 8 7 2
Squat creep, shin twist, knee switch, shin rolls, shinbox switches, elevated scorpions, spinal rocks, quad squats, single-leg squats, various shoulder rolls.
Corpse pose for 3 minutes
Notes: was hurried today, but squeezed the training in. Tomorrow’s session is going to be fun, finally get to pick up the clubbells!
To your health and success,
Fitness Professional and Clubbell Athlete