Of all the fitness professionals I have drawn my philosophy from, Scott Sonnon, is one of the most influential on my life. I have taken more useful information from this man than probably any other coach – including information meant for more than just physical living. It seems fitting to dedicate my 100th blogpost in honor of him, even if only a small form of recognition.
Scott Sonnon has a revolutionary way of sharing his health-first fitness viewpoints, and I guarantee that you’ll learn something new by listening in on this call. Some of the key points we covered include:
– Scott’s difficult journey discovering himself by overcoming physical challenges that ultimately gave him a world-view to help other people.
– New advances in human anatomy and physiology studies that have completely recreated the definition and methods of pursuing fitness.
– You’ll have some of your beliefs about fitness training challenged probably more than ever before. If you don’t scratch your head, think “wait a minute!” or burst out in fury over the “heresies” that Scott covers, then my hat goes off to you.
– The differences between soft and hard styles of training, and how to optimize both to ensure you maximize your training time and performance.
– Why joint mobility training is important and how to begin experiencing the benefits of this exercise style today.
John Sifferman Interviews Scott Sonnon (Part 1, 53 Minutes in Length)
I want to thank Scott again for doing this interview, and for setting a stellar example for all to follow. If you’re interested in learning more about joint mobility training, check out this collection of blog posts I have put together:
Joint Mobility Training Enlightenment – John’s First Experiences
Joint Mobility From Head to Toe in 5 Minutes (Video)
Review of Ageless Mobility – the follow along mobility and prasara yoga program
Click Here to Listen to Part 2 of This Interview
To your health and success,
Fitness Professional and CST Student
P.S. For more information about joint mobility training, I recommend Scott Sonnon’s Intu-Flow program (all-inclusive collection of joint mobility exercises for the entire body) here: http://www.rmaxi.com/products/intu-flow.html
and his Ageless Mobility program (follow along format) here:
This was a great interview. Scott is very well spoken. Loved the humor, enjoyed listening to his responses, and looking forward to more! Thanks to both John and Scott for this.
Great insight. I want to thank Scott for sharing a part of his personal self with me as well as inform me to new ideas I hadn’t thought of before concerning this body I’ve been given. What a gift.
Thanks so much for this! I’m such a Sonnon fan. I just felt like googling “scott sonnon interview” and I found this great website. I learn so much whenever I’m blessed to read or hear his words.
Scott’s genius and passion has spilled into my life through all he shares (including Prasara yoga) and improved my health and dance performance abilities. He is a rare teacher.
My breathing has become so much better since I started doing his Prasara yoga (and I’m only up to move 8 of forest flow, so it’s not about getting to an end, it’s about benefiting every step of the way.)
At first, I didn’t understand what was happening in my body, then it hit me, “your breathing deeper!” It’s amazing that I’ve spent 30 years breathing shallow and didn’t realize it. Even my flute playing skills improved after a week of Prasara.
And I’ll never forget when, a few years back, I had frozen shoulder and back pain, and Scott’s teachings on mobility came to my rescue.
I recommend that when people buy his products they order the package deals, not just one DVD. This man has unmatched insight and intelligence, and his books will really take you deeper into the benefits of whichever program you choose.
Thanks again for both of these interviews.
Wow! What a great soundtrack to my run! Thanks again John for more awesome info, I can’t wait for part 2!!!
Wow. This is incredibly moving. I’m a fan, right now. Interesting: physically fit people tend to be considered less than intelligent for some reason. But this interview really underscores just how wrong that is. His humility and grace is just so incredibly persuasive–and pervasive and, frankly, rare in the world in physical fitness–where heavy metal and over the top testosterone imagery often rule the day.
Thanks for this. Impressive. I will do more homework, but I think this is exactly (and my wife, who has joint problems) have been looking for.
Great interview, John. I’ve just finished listening it. Very interesting and informative.
I’m gradually becoming familiar with CST, both my wife and me are doing CST Group eXercise workouts on a regular basis and love them, I’m getting know more and more of you, guys – Scott Sonnon’s student coaches.
I hope there will a second interview published as well.
Thanks, Vladimir. Check out my follow-up interview with Sonnon here:
And I also interviewed him about TACFIT here: