There’s a bit of a story behind this interview, so if you just want to listen in, scroll down and click the green play button.
Basically, it’s a technological miracle that I’m even able to bring this to you today. Upon recording this amazing interview with Adam, I logged into my teleconference service to retrieve the audio file for editing, and I was shocked to discover that the file was “corrupted.” I couldn’t download the interview! Panicking, I sent an e-mail to the customer service department for help – I just HAD to get this interview, which was pure gold! Not even the CS department could assist me, it was just a “technological fluke” that the file was not working. I continued to check the file almost daily, and then almost weekly until about 2-3 weeks ago. I decided that I would check on the file, ONE LAST TIME, and then give up for good. It was still “corrupted” and in my mind, hopeless. I gave up.
Until yesterday afternoon, when I received an email from Adam asking about the call. I decided to check the file one last time, so that I could tell him with certainty that we would never obtain the audio interview again. Well, here is where the miracle happened. When I logged into my teleconference service, the file was there and COMPLETE, with excellent audio quality. Now, I’ve been using computers ever since I was a very young child, and I know that things don’t just start working without some intervention, especially when they’ve been broken for months. Computers don’t just fix themselves.
So, needles to say, I’m ecstatic and honored to bring you this interview, which was truly fantastic.
Adam Steer has a revolutionary way of sharing his health-first fitness viewpoints, and I guarantee that you’ll learn something new by listening in on this call. Some of the key points we covered include:
– How to build a foundation of mobility that will increase your health and movement potential, making you able to pick up new skills quickly
– The number one reason why clubbells stand out among other strength training tools and how you can use them to improve your natural, athletic strength in all skills.
– The best strength training tools for achieving your health-first fitness goals at home or at the gym.
– The wisdom in following a program completely, and then transitioning into intuitive training to OWN your movement and LIVE your fitness every moment.
– How to take an active role in balancing your training with recovery and putting that into a comprehensive training program that works in harmony to maximize performance and minimize injury.
Listen to the interview here:
John Sifferman Interviews Adam Steer (62 Minutes in Length)
I want to thank Adam again for doing this interview. It is an honor to learn from someone that walks the talk and sets the bar high for everyone else. Be sure to check out his sites:
Here are some ways you can get started with CST today:
Clubbell Quick-Start Training Packages can be found halfway down this page (you can find more info about clubbells on the official site here http://clubbell.tv.com)
Prasara Yoga Introductory Package – Book here, Instructional DVD here.
Joint Mobility Training Package (more info about mobility training on my site here)
As always, if you have any questions about what was discussed on the call, how to get started, or about the products themselves, please leave a comment below or use the Contact page above.
To your health and success,
Fitness Professional and CST Student
P.S. For more information about clubbell training and prasara yoga, I recommend Scott Sonnon’s programs The Encyclopedia of Clubbell Training and his book Prasara Yoga.
Thanks guys, I will listen to it today!
Great interview. Healty bodies are the foundation for promoting the desired results from weight and strenth training.
great interview, good stuff!
the link bodyweightexerciserevolution is broken