I’ve been doing a lot of talking lately, and I’m starting to feel a little blabby. Now, it’s your turn. I want to know what kind of info you’re looking for. Seriously, what compels you to visit my website? And if you’re a regular, why on Earth do you keep coming back?
Sure, sure, I’ve got ideas… LOT’S of ideas. But I want to make sure my ideas are lining up with your needs, too. Basically, I’m looking for direction, and I’m handing you the microphone.
Whether you’re a long-time subscriber or a brand new reader, I’d like to get your feedback. Please let me know what you’d like to see featured here on PhysicalLiving.com. What would keep you coming back for more? Check as many as you’d like, but please only select the ones that are most important to you.

If an impersonal, generic checkbox isn’t nearly enough to voice your opinion, please let me know in the comments section below. Tell me exactly what you want, and please be as specific as possible. The most helpful comment will win an exclusive coaching video.
Sharing this post will win you Siffer-points, too.
If you found this article helpful, please share it with your friends and tweeps:
Health-First Fitness Coach
P.S. Before we part ways, I want to leave you with some timeless wisdom from some of America’s greats…
USA Today has come out with a new survey – apparently, three out of every four people make up 75% of the population. – David Letterman
A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls. – Dan Quayle
I voted. I chose just a few, but seriously, I’d like to continue seeing all of it from you. Personally, I really enjoy your interviews with other fitness experts (I always come away with so much from those, you’re a great interviewer) and I get drawn in whenever you go out for your runs (they’re funny and often quite poignant.)
Most of all, I just wanted to continue getting Siffer-points. Worht more than all the points cards in the world buddy. ; )
You’re darn right they’re worth more. Collect a thousand and I’ll find you a pet monkey. Seriously, who do you know that could find you a pet monkey? Only the Siff-meister.
PS – Thanks for the feedback, Shane. I’m hoping to score some in-person interviews in Salinas this October – and you’d better oblige, or else I’ll shave off your Mohawk while you sleep!
A Pet Monkey?!! No one. No one gives away a pet monkey. Let alone for a 1000 points. Does the monkey come with “Care Guide” or is that additional points? Just have to budget accordingly here. I was going to get the bubble blowing didgeridoo (in chocolate mint flavour), but with that being 300 Siffer-points, I may need to reshuffle priorities.
PS Of course brother! I speak honestly to what I see great value in.
Aaaaannndd…Iiiii guess it’s been confirmed….we’re doing some in person interviews in Salinas… ; )
The didgeridoo is an excellent value, but for only 1200 Siffer-points, you can get both the monkey and the didgeridoo so he can play it for you while you’re working out (instruction manual included). Speaking of which, you need to come out with a product that combines didgeridooing with clubbell training – might be a nice niche market.
Haha! Done. And Done. For the product I’ll definitely need your expertise to critique and review. ;D
I just found your site and haven’t read extensively (yet). But something that would help me would be some specific posts about creative ways to movnat in a fitness club environment. I’m a stay at home mom, and I move a TON with my kids (we just spent the morning hopping/balancing on rocks and jumping and lifting buckets of sand and hula hooping with breaks for mudpie making and a short bush-hike). However, I do like also to go to the gym once a day and put them in the kid care, it’s my only hour of the day alone. My gym has the typical cardio and weight areas, but also a small indoor track, a gymnasium and a pool. I don’t have props like rocks or vaults and I can’t bring weights or kettlebells into the gymnasium. I’ve been having fun working on cartwheels, jumproping, handstands, line sprints, but I’d love some fresh inspiration.
Excuse me, just jumping in here real quick. Jessica I just want to say WOW! Your kids are blessed to have you as their mom. You are setting an amazing example.
Thanks, Shane, that means a lot. I do try, but most of the time I’m really following their lead. They are really physical, strong and resilient creatures, great teachers. I’m just starting to realize that I should be taking massive notes every day (My three year old is the one that found the rock path balance beam). Our challenge tomorrow is to find 10 things to climb…
That’s awesome! I echo what Shane said. Thanks for your detailed feedback. I can definitely use this :-)
…I was just thinking this morning about filming a MovNat combo that you can do with nothing but ground space.
Hi John, That would be a really great video! Any ideas for the pool? My natural inclination would be just canonballing off the deep end, diving, playing fetch with small weighted objects, but that seems to be too much fun in an indoor pool with a certain code of decorum where the old folks are moving their arms to the oldies in the shallow end.
Maybe you can get some of those older folks to play marco polo :-)
Unless the posted rules say otherwise, I’d say cannonball and dive away. If you’re worried about making too much noise, you can always ask the lifeguard when the pool is less busy, and try to plan your trips around that (I know it’s more challenging with kiddos).
I’ve always enjoyed retrieval games in the pool. Actually, I remember as a kid throwing about 100 pennies into the pool, and whoever could get the most of them with only one breath would be the winner. But there are tons of games you can play with a little imagination.
Apart from that, my swimming has been pretty boring – doing laps and treading water for the most part. I’m not an accomplished swimmer either. I’m drownproof, but you wouldn’t know it by looking at me :)
I didn’t vote for them all, but all of the above would be awesome, John!
I agree – all great topics worth exploring – thanks Matt!
Hi John, I completed TacFit Commando over 9 mos and finished KB Assault and am on 2nd phase of Mass Assault.
As a 50 yr++++++ old male, I would like to know specifically how you workout. What routines do you adhere to. Clubbells, Kbells, bodyweight. Maybe post some routines.
Would like to know how these workouts affect your overall well being (how they make you feel). How has your physique changed?
That’s my two cents. I enjoy your website very much. Thanks.
A lot of people ask about my personal routine, and I’ve hesitated to share it, but I think I’m going to have to at some point :-)
PS Is this the same Mike who was posting progress updates on my TACFIT Commando FAQ page? I’d love to hear how you liked the whole program.
I just lost my post due to a WordPress error or something. I has said I checked the movnat box first, and then 3 others. I mostly like that you are so down to earth. If I lived near you I would try and befriend you.
P.S. I’m resting my elbows from pullups…
You sure about that? My friends think I’m crazy ;-)
Take it easy on those elbows, and sorry about the error.
Oh yeah, reading some of the other comments made me also want to say less selling. And the other thing that I want to mention (that other may not agree with) is that I would prefer shorter videos. I’m more likely to watch 4 five minute videos than a single 20 minute video. But again, maybe that’s just me. While I don’t like to be sold to, I have purchased through your links the chinup bar from amazon and 2 kettlebells from Perform Better.
Interestingly enough, I’ve heard mixed feelings regarding the length of videos. Some people love the more in-depth, longer videos (especially the ones that are all one take). Others like succinct videos that only cover the main points. I’ll play around with some ideas. Appreciate the support, John – the affiliate purchases keep this website running.
I like that you speak in plain, down to earth language. Because of this, you’ve earned my trust.
I’d like to see more on Kettlebell, ClubBell, Bodyweight and Movnat training. Your training articles and demos are great. Your product reviews are usually top notch as well. Because of your site I’ve incorporated ClubBells, tree climbing, more bodyweight exercises and some MovNat techniques into my training.
Sometimes when I check the site, I feel like I the only update is a sales pitch for another product or workout program – I don’t like that. I get “sold” to all the time and really try to filter this content out.
I would prefer written interviews to the video and/or audio podcasts. I read a lot from my iPhone when I have spare time and often don’t have time to listen for an hour at a time. Some of the interviews seem very long but they do contain great info.
Like Mike said- I’d like to hear more about your routines, goals, progress, setbacks etc. Sometimes in your exercise demos you seem amazingly strong and proficient at exercises that look really easy when you do them but aren’t so easy when I try them.
Lastly, if we followers of your site can help you, I recommend you ask us. For example, if you were to write a book on Bodyweight, MovNat and ClubBell training we would buy it and recommend it.
I used to be a member of Coach Dos’ forum and he gave us a lot of good info and feedback. In return, he built up a loyal fan base who purchased his books and videos and who referred a lot of our friends to do likewise. He moved to a monthly fee-based forum so I dropped out. I learned a lot from him but the fee was not worth it to me any longer. That’s too bad because I would still buy products he recommends & uses but because I no longer participate in his forum I don’t know what he’s up to. I purchased from Perform Better, bought Kettlebells, bought a TRX and medicine ball and purchased Mike Boyle’s book based on replies that Coach Dos made in his forum. Because of your site I’ve purchased ClubBells, a ClubBell training book and a Mobility book. I’ve gotten my money’s worth out of all of these purchases.
GREAT feedback – exactly what I’m looking for. Thank you very much.
It looks like a lot of people are looking for bodyweight, CB, KB, and MovNat info. I’ll definitely oblige, as those are four of my favorite subjects.
Sorry about the bombardment of product endorsements. It’s not my intention to try and sell anybody – just trying to keep up with all the product launches my readers are interested in and make sure the info is available for those who are looking for it. I get at least a dozen questions whenever something new comes out and I try to stay ahead of the curve as best I can. Good to know that it might not be appreciated by all.
I don’t sell anything myself, but have thought about compiling all of my ideas into a book or coaching course, etc. Food for thought…
Thanks again!
I appreciate your reviews since I feel they are honest and seem very balanced. I feel they help improve these sort of products since most of the creators of these products seem to read the blog…..well except for the Shake-weight people, they are too happy rolling in dough to care. :) Most of the products you endorse I tend to be interested in anyway and I like that even though you are affiliate you are not afraid to say what you like or dislike about them.
. I feel the interviews and the instructional vids are well done. I am interested in all of the above list really, so i look forward to what comes next.
are you going to review CBHE?
Yes, actually just posted my first impressions here:
Thanks for the feedback, Miykael. Good to know my reviews are appreciated!
Hi John,
of course I voted. :-)
Your website is one of my favourite health and fitness sites. Another one is Chris Kresser’s “The Healthy Sceptic”. As a father you should check out Chris Kresser’s “Healthy Baby Code”. Good stuff.
My personal wishes:
I agree with Shane: your interviews with fitness experts are great. Intelligence is not about giving the right answers but asking interesting questions. :-)
I collect them on my hard disc and hear them a second and third time and I can send them to other people. I would like to hear more of them. A text transcript for download would also be great (if it doesn’t take too much time).
I would like to see more MovNat an Body Flow Video Tutorials would be fine.
IMO one of the best things concerning movement sophistication besides CST is POSE Technique. I read the book “Triathlon” by Dr. Romanov. It is worth a review. (Hint!) I will never do triathlons –I find it boring and it burns out stem cells (aka accelerated aging), but the book is very helpful for every athlete or weekend warrior for improving running, biking and swimming technique.
Gray Cooks material (books, DVDs) is also good. The guy is worth an interview.
I am also very interested in your experiences with your own training.
Short sample workout vids are ok, but I like the long videos. They are more in depth information.
I like your reviews of fitness products. It helps to decide if I should buy them or not.
More stuff about prehab and rehab would also be very useful.
Sales pitch and affiliate stuff is ok. I mean – come on! This website is for free. Nobody is paying you for all the work you put in.
Keep up the good work John. Very much appreciated.
I was hoping you would chime in here :-)
Succinct, practical suggestions – thank you. You’re in the running for the free coaching video, but I’m going to leave the contest open for at least a week to make sure everyone has a chance to voice their thoughts.
P.S. – My wife and I just finished 6 months of ballroom dance lessons: Foxtrot, Waltz, Swing, ChaCha, and Rumba – tons of fun and we’re thinking about learning more this Fall. Thought you might like to know :)
I appreciate your website and blog. Enjoy the reviews and interviews.
I would like to see advice for “newbies” in the CST certification world. The “can and can’t do’s”, hints, experiences and example client programs.
Also, information on working with CST and kids. What kids are capable of and what they should avoid at different age levels. How to adjust workouts for kids, whether, metconn, tabata, etc.
Thanks for this opportunity.
My Relations.
Thanks for your comments, Mark.
I’ve been thinking about writing up an article about preparing for CST certification. It’s difficult because each seminar is different, but there are some general guidelines. Mainly you need to have mastered the basic levels of Intu-Flow, FlowFit, and clubbell training. Spend a year diligently practicing those and you’ll be well-prepared. But there’s more to it, and that’s why I’d like to write the article. For now, check out Ryan Hurst’s CST 101 Program, which goes into immensely more depth than I ever could.
CST 101
I also wrote a review of my Instructor Certification seminar here:
As to working with CST and kids, there really hasn’t been much attention paid to this area. I’m sure some CST coaches do work with children, but I don’t think there is any child and youth-specific education or training available through CST (at least, not that I know of). It’s a very important subject, and I’d encourage you to look into The International Youth Conditioning Association for more child and youth-specific training.
Thank you for the IYCA connection, will look into that program. I agree, I believe children are the foundation for everything, including CST and a topic that needs exploration.
As far as certification, I wasn’t quite clear on my question. In terms of ‘newbie,’ I was coming from the point of view of a new certified instructor and how to get started, what they can and can not teach, thins to focus on, hints, experiences, etc. I apologize for the confusion.
Gotcha – that’s a whole other animal!
I’ve really enjoyed your body weight and MOVNAT stuff, plus clubbell instruction and expert interviews always get my attention ( I agree, an interview with Gray Cook would be cool).
Please consider “Shake Weight review numero dos” :)
I dunno, it was pretty hard keeping a straight face throughout the last Shake Weight review :-)
I voted for product reviews, how-to tutorials, and sample workouts, but really, I appreciate “all of the above.” It is your style and honesty, and your good writing, that bring me back repeatedly. Well, those things and your crazy willingness to try just about anything and tell us about it!
There are so many affiliated fitness people launching products and cross-selling. You offer something very much needed in the on-line fitness world: trustworthy reviews, including “cons” and “who will benefit most and who might benefit less,” to help me discern where to put my limited fitness dollars. Love this.
I did not select any specific modalities, because I’m interested in all of them. I’m currently deciding whether to buy a kettlebell or clubbells, and your site has provided good food for thought. (btw, if you’d like to offer an opinion on that question, feel free! I have done a fair bit of bodyweight stuff, use dumbbells regularly, and run intervals as well as “just for fun.”) From you, I’m interested to hear what you’re learning and experimenting with — maybe I’ll try some of these things too, or maybe I’ll just enjoy your well-written posts about a physical life.
Thanks for a great site.
Stephanie, thank you.
If I had to choose between CB’s and KB’s, it would definitely be the clubbell – much more versatile training tool. Though you can do a lot with a single well-chosen KB, too. There’s more info about why I love clubbells so much here:
Thanks so much for the reply, John. The versatility of the clubbell is a good argument, as is the fun factor! I am looking forward to a new fitness adventure.
Hi, John!
I really enjoy your MOVNAT and bodyweight training instructions and tips. I like it when workouts seem more like childish playtime, and when I don’t need any equipment––just me and a friend to make it more fun. Those workouts seem to really take care of body, mind, and spirit at once because you get a great workout without thinking too much about it, and you get that good ole stress-free playtime and fresh air with some friends like when you were 8 and didn’t think about what tomorrow would bring.
It’s also really inspiring and helpful to hear about your experience with the different exercises and how you went about it. I like it when you include videos and little stories about the whole experience and comical little things that happened during it. You’re a good story teller, and it helps draw me in to want to try it myself. I guess that kind of reminds me of my grandpa telling stories, and takes me back to when things were simpler. It inspires me to keep things simple and not allow things to get too complicated to where I can’t relax or take care of my body and be available for whatever my family or friends may need me for.
Oh yeah, I like to see your dog, Ronin (aka fluff-head, muffin-top, puppy, and the “woochy-wooch”). I love animals and they inspire me to chill and live. Seeing him involved in your training also reminds me that my dog would also enjoy and benefit from that kind of quality time. She may be 14 years old, but she still has a lot of pep and loves when I include her.
Thanks, John, I appreciate all you put into this site and your newsletters!
Lori, I’d like to share some more free-play and exploration-based information, too. For me, fun is an integral part of the equation, and also something that is often overlooked. I’ll try and weave it into my articles, videos, and stories whenever possible.
I guess Ronin has been a little camera shy lately. We’ll have to remedy that :)
well John, I enjoy learning and get insights into the way exercises are so beautifully explored .. it is the combination of age old wisdom with modern day scientific innovation and sorting them into do able, practical, and interesting sequences.
That’s what it’s all about – keeping things interesting and making it all practical.
Now that I voted, I will tell you in that second before I clicked the vote link, I went: “Goal Setting and Achievement Strategies!” Because I know I am weak in planning, deciding and goal setting. I am sharing this because it’s the truth and “Goal Setting” as of right now (119 voters in your survey) is last. Dead last. 1 out of 5 people picked Goal Setting.
Meaning that the other 4 are not interested. They have mastered goal setting. Or it bores them because it’s not exercise, joint mobility, or body weight training. I say bring out your Goal Setting And Achievement Strategies even though the blue majority, or is it red(?) are skipping over this core mental strength category.
I love the short videos you do. Keep ’em coming.
I remember that photo taken on your dining room table of 2 or 3 dinner plates loaded up with the food groups you were eating. I live that example. Bring on more nutrition. I am not familiar with all your categories. Perhaps the Training Philosophy + Lifestyle Coaching has better nutrition, better eating guidelines in it. I have no idea.
I know we get energy + stamina from the foods we eat. And what we drink.
More examples, more insight, more blabbing about food. Give us those food group ratios that work to help us build the bodies we want. Remind us how delicious real food is, how satisfying it is to eat the right ratio of the three food groups, and how it supports better sleep, muscle growth,
Thanks for your Physical Living Updates. Inspiring. I appreciate it a lot.
Dr. Wah
Thanks Dr. Wah.
I’m not an expert in nutrition, but I AM an expert in something called eating :)
I’ll try to mix in some food-related topics, but will refer out to other experts for true nutritional advice. I’ve hosted Tom Venuto as a guest contributor here several times for that very reason. You can find some of his excellent advice here:
I totally endorse his comprehensive nutrition program Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle as the definitive source for basic nutrition advice.
Goal Achievement is another huge topic that definitely merits more attention. I’ve got a handful of pieces on it already. Check out “Success is a Skill” and its follow up post for a good starting point:
Thanks again!
Hmmm… I have read plenty and use some. My sched. is so busy but I still do some mobility before I rest at night. I need to be extra careful with my joints. That is why I check the joints mobility to strengthen it. I am becoming old and that is what i need. I am in full health and i already donated a bag of blood just this May 2011. I hope to learn Yoga in the future. thanks and God bless you
Hi John, Everything you do on this site is great, but I would like to see some more injury prevention. At the moment I’m waiting for key hole surgery on my menicus cartiladge on my knee. I put this injury down to martial arts training and not preparing my body for training. To cut a long story short I want to walk out of the hospital after my surgery, what do you recommend to keep me strong. I’m doing some stationary cycling, walking and daily yoga. Many Thanks Debby (england)
p.s keep up the great work, it really is a great site :-)
Debby and Aniana,
I’ll be hosting a series of joint mobility video articles in the not-so-distant future – perfect for joint strengthening and injury prevention. It’s something I’ve been planning for a long time, and now have the validation to move forward with it.
Hi John,
I’ve been doing the intu-flow for the past year. I would be interested in your perspectives on loading the drills. CST uses club bells, but I have been holding light weights when doing elbow and shoulder drills. Does CST do the drills from different positions? For example, rotating the trunk or the hips when doing shoulder drills.
From looking at the CST website they have Prasara yoga but I get the impression that CST doesn’t have slow integrated movements like tai chi. Am I wrong? Have you done the mobility drills where you move the hips and shoulder at the same time?
Loading the drills is the next logical step, and there are tons of ways to do just that – the clubbell being a wonderful tool for this purpose. And yes, CST teaches an incrementally progressive approach for loading the various ROM you develop from your Intu-Flow practice. The mobility drills are also meant to sophisticate more and more with practice, eventually so that you can perform full-body integrated mobility drills in one fluid motion (e.g. forward and reverse spinal waves).
Apart from the clubbell training, Prasara yoga is another avenue with unique benefits for this purpose.
Hi John from the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
As a passionate Massage therapist, PE Teacher & Body Dynamics PT trainer I very much enjoy receiving your info & practical demos. I like to be the eternal student so that I can continue to improve, strive for excellence & also share quality ideas with others. These ideas allows one to improve, enhance, modify the variety of programs that I use with good success.
Thanks kindly,
Grant Wood
Thanks Grant!
congrats for the dance classes! :-) Of course I am interested in all your body-mind-endeavoors. If you need any tips shoot me an e-mail. But with your CST/BodyFlow experience you should have no problems.
Thanks Andrea! We had a really good instructor, which makes a world of difference, and makes learning easy.
John, my goal is to become as strong and muscular as I can and still be quick on my feet. Also I wish my heart and lungs to be so powerful, I won’t be on high blood pressure medication anymore. I believe your system can do this. I would like a program that would incorporate weights whether kettlebell, bodyweight, in a program to prevent boredom, and maximize training. To have a superhero body is what I am after. Also ur program fits nicely with my physical therapy patients. Keep on doing the unusual position exercises as well, they add variety
Appreciate the thoughts, Tommie.
Thanks for the advise. I’ll be buying some more CST videos in the future.
Hi John, Siffer lady piping in a bit late (was on holiday). I voted too but I think you have alot of material already. Reinforcement of all the training programs you touch on is great. I like the videos but I would keep them down to no more than 5-10 minutes each. If a subject requires more time break up the videos into parts 1, 2, 3 etc. So that people can continue at their own pace. I just read a book called BRAIN RULES by John Medina. He says that people learn best with pictures rather than printed words or even audio without pictures. He also says that ten minutes is about how long one can shove information to a person without a need for the brain to rest. When he lectures he does ten minutes of info downloading then tells a story (the brain perceives this as a rest).
I recommend the book for ideas about how to package all the material you impart.
As others here have noted, one of the best things about your site are the beautiful pictures outside and a play-based approach to staying fit. Siffer-ladies glaumed onto this concept through your influence and it has paid off big-time over the last four years. Now we’ve moved onto hill sprints outside a couple of days a week and it feels more like play than work. This is so important for the mind-body-spirit as an integral whole. Soon we’ll be, literally, kicking-the-can up that hill…it should be hilarious, and I consider that pure Siffy physical-living. You’re weirdness is creative and makes us think of weirdnesses of our own. The possibilities and variety of movement and joy are endless. This, I think, is what attracts me to the site.
Oh, and I love the product reviews. We’re thinking about going to minimalist shoes etc. and having a reliable place to refer for information is great.
Okay, that’s all I can think of for now. Good luck with your survey! Great comments from everybody and definitely see some more siffer-ladies in the group :-)
I was hoping you would chime in here, Jan. Thanks for the feedback and the book recommendation. I’ll have a look. I’m glad to hear the Siffer-ladies are still having loads of fun, and trying weirder things every day :-)