Not too long ago, one of my coaches, Scott Sonnon, released a free fitness program called Recuper8 that was designed to prevent and alleviate the aches, pains, and injuries that are suffered by those in service-related vocations: military personnel, law enforcement, firefighters, etc. I’ve since used the program a few times myself, and have concluded that just like most of Sonnon’s paid programs – the information is superb. It’s just that – this time – he’s giving Recuper8 away for free.

Yeah, I know. I hardly believed it myself. But it’s the truth.
Basically, what it includes is an hour-long coaching session where Sonnon takes you through a series of very specific exercises that were meant to compensate for the common health problems that service-people deal with on a daily basis. Essentially, you get an hour of exercise instruction without paying a thing. So, if you’ve ever wondered what you should really be doing during your workout warmups and cooldowns, and just haven’t nailed down a routine for getting in some extra activity on your non-training days, then this – THIS – is the type of stuff you should start doing.
Note: these exercises can be done as a workout warmup or cooldown, as an off-day active recovery routine, as a morning energizer, or as a way to wind down in the evening just before bed. The movements are restorative in nature and can be done anytime – and frequently.
So, it goes without saying that if you’re in a service-type profession, or have any type of physically demanding job, then do yourself a favor and pick up this free program. I would highly encourage you to try it out (today!), and you’ll see right away – during your very first session – exactly why it’s so powerful. And if you’ve never tried this type of training before, then you’ll be amazed how good you’re feeling afterward.
Now, here’s the thing: this is an area and a group that Scott specializes in, but I found that Recuper8 is good “movement medicine” for practically anyone who is looking to prevent pain and injury and restore mobility. Joint mobility training is some of the best medicine you can take for alleviating joint problems, low back pain, tension, stiffness, and limited range of motion – regardless of your profession.
So, if you have been dealing with any of those issues, then grab a copy of the program to see for yourself. I can’t tell you how many people I know who have cured an old shoulder injury, low back pain, achy knees, etc. using a simple mobility routine. I’m in that demographic, too. This stuff really works, and for those who are dealing with any kind of structural pain or biomechanical issue, it’s a must-try. Once you’ve experienced it, you’ll never go back.
The bottom line is that you would have a hard time finding information this good for free anywhere. Sonnon could easily be charging for this, but he’s chosen to give it away as a gift. I’m not sure how long it will be available, so I’d suggest you download it right now and make it a priority to try it today.
Click Here to Download Recuper8
Also, be sure to check out the Pain-Free Mobility ebook and the RESET program which are also included on the download page as extra bonuses. I still remember when I bought RESET a few years ago, and I still I use this stuff everyday – highly recommended.
And if you do try it out and love it (you will), and would like a more comprehensive approach to this method of training, check out the Ageless Mobility Super-Package for more information. Go and grab that if you want to go much deeper into the rabbit hole.
Men are made stronger on realization that the helping hand they need is at the end of their own arm. -Sydney J. Phillips
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Health-First Fitness Coach
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