Yesterday afternoon, fitness pioneer, Jack LaLanne, passed away in his home in Morro Bay, CA. He was 96 years old.
(Links to news pieces: 1, 2, 3)
Jack has been one of the most inspirational fitness icons in our nation’s history, and he will be missed by many. I’d like to take this opportunity to share a couple of my favorite clips of Jack. His teachings are timeless, and if nothing else, even more relevant today than when they were first broadcast.

Jack LaLanne – Unhappy People
Jack LaLanne – Life is a Battlefield
Some quotes by Jack:
“Can God go to the gym to work out for you? God helps those that help themselves. You have to do it! God or some omnipotent power or whatever you want to believe in gives you the energy, the will to do it, but you have to do it yourself.”
“Any stupid person can die. Dying’s easy. Living’s a pain in the butt.”
“I can’t die. It would ruin my image.”
You will be missed, Jack.
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Fitness Professional
Thanks for tweeting this, John. I didn’t know he had passed away until I saw your tweet. Good vids, too! He will be missed indeed.
This is very sad. With the world getting obese, we need Jack Lalanne more than ever. May his timeless teachings inspire more people to chose to become healthy.
Thanks guys!