Hello! I’m John.
If we get stuck in an elevator together, you’ll quickly learn that I absolutely love helping men build uncommon fitness so they can enjoy a lifetime of strength and adventure. It’s my “thing.” Always has been. So, yay for that. I’m also on a mission to end frailty in all its forms. Why? Because I’ve been there, done that, and don’t recommend it. Being weak and miserable sucks.
Once upon a time, I was burned out and broken. Unhealthy habits, a sedentary lifestyle, over-specialized athletics, improper training, and lack of purpose all culminated into the “perfect storm” early in my life, leading to injury, debilitation, and depression. It took me years to crawl out of that mess not only because I made every mistake in the book, but also because the conventional model failed me over and over again. Oh, and I’m also a knucklehead. And stubborn.
Eventually, I learned a unique approach to fitness and movement, which helped me rebuild my body from the ground up. And I’ve been helping other men do the same since 2006. The truth is I’m just a guy on a journey who’s trying to help others avoid the many mistakes I made. Why? Because life is better when you’re healthy and strong, and the world would be better with more capable, exuberant men who live for a higher purpose and help others do the same.
So, welcome to my website! This is where I teach an uncommon approach to health, fitness, strength, movement, and life, in general.
You can learn more about my mission here.
Or, learn about my unique method of training here.
Or, scroll down for my less exciting professional bio and credentials.
Note: If you’re still reading and are actually interested in the uncomfortable details of my life, there’s an interview with me here: Interview with John Sifferman about Health, Fitness, and Training for a Higher Purpose.
John Sifferman
Fitness Professional Bio

John Sifferman is a Health-First Fitness Coach, MovNat Master Trainer, and the Founder of Physical Living.
John Sifferman went from being a star athlete to physically broken in less than one year. Doctors claimed he’d be debilitated for the rest of his life. After conventional health, fitness, and rehabilitation methods failed him, he discovered an uncommon training approach that helped him rebuild his body from the ground up. Since 2006, John has helped thousands of clients as a health-first fitness coach and natural movement professional via in-person and online training.
John has served as a consultant, advisor, and on staff with several prominent fitness organizations, including MovNat, Strength Running, and Tom Venuto’s Burn the Fat Publishing, among others. He is a MovNat Master Trainer, a former CST Coach (now TACFIT), and he has held several other fitness, mobility, and yoga certifications. John is also the author of The Pull-up Solution, along with over 900 articles. His work has been featured in many popular websites and magazines like Shape, Time, Outside, Huffpost and Lifehacker, among others.

John lives with his wife, children, and Akita dog in beautiful New Hampshire, where he spends most of his spare time enjoying the great outdoors and serving at his local church. He has a vision that one day, healthy, empowered people will be much more common than they are now.

- Health-First Fitness Coach (CST/TACFIT)
- Natural Movement Expert (MovNat Master Trainer)
- NSCA Certified Personal Trainer (NSCA-CPT)
- Combatives and Aquatics Training Specialist
- Expert in Strength & Conditioning, Yoga & Mobility Training, Bodyweight Training, Clubbell & Kettlebell Training, and Home Fitness
- Founder of Physical Living
- Author of The Pull-up Solution + hundreds of fitness articles
- Guide to thousands of uncommon fitness clients worldwide (see testimonials here)