Scott Sonnon’s new Primal Stress program is a comprehensive, plug-and-play bodyweight training program that will help you develop a high standard of fitness by burning stubborn fat, building functional muscle, injury-proofing your body, and improving your conditioning level using a variety of movement skills and training protocols that were specifically created to build resiliency and toughness while fostering a sense of strength and empowerment.

I’ve spent the last week looking over the materials of Scott Sonnon’s new Primal Stress program. My hope was to gather enough information and insight to bring you a comprehensive product review that will help you decide whether or not this program would be a good fit for you, your goals, and circumstances.
I quickly discovered that Primal Stress encompasses far more than I originally expected, and includes far more educational material than any of Sonnon’s previous releases. Not only is it massive in scope (over 18 hours of video footage and over 500 pages of reading material); it’s also extremely deep. Naturally, one week is not nearly enough time to go over it all. And that’s why this isn’t going to be so much of a comprehensive product review as it will be a brief analysis based on my first impressions.
So, today, I’m not going to give you the point-by-point pro’s and con’s like I usually do in my other product reviews. The reason being that this program is much the same as Sonnon’s past product releases – only better – and I’d just be rehashing points I’ve made again and again in the past.
First things first, I’ve been anticipating this program’s release since Scott told me about it privately last year. I could tell he was very excited about this program because it would be different from his other work.
I’ve reviewed almost all of Sonnon’s programs that have been released since 2006 (and a handful prior to that). Having said that, I’ll be up front and say that it is my opinion that this is absolutely Scott Sonnon’s best work to date – by far. And it’s not just because the quality of information that he’s bringing or how well it’s packaged. It’s because this program has a little something called heart. It’s obvious upon first opening the manual that Scott truly poured his heart into this one, and he shares so much of himself in this distillation of his work.
It’s hard for me to describe exactly how this has impacted the product as a whole, but I think anyone who actually uses this program will know exactly what I mean. Suffice to say, this is not just another workout program. What Scott has done with Primal Stress is nothing short of revolutionary. This is a collection of work that truly matters and is greatly needed in our day and age.
What You Get + Brief Notes on the Pros and Cons
Primal Stress is truly a new evolution of training programs, and that’s certainly been the trend with most of Sonnon’s releases – each one a little better and more refined than the last one. So, if you’re already familiar with any of Sonnon’s past programs – in particular, his more recent TACFIT programs – then you already have a general idea of what to expect in terms of packaging (PDF manuals, progress tracking charts, instructional and workout follow-along videos, audio/video/PDF bonuses, etc.). And if you don’t, then just check out some of my past product reviews to get an idea.
Essentially, all of high points and advantages of Sonnon’s recent product releases also apply to the Primal Stress program. In other words, the best features and benefits from programs like TACFIT Commando, TACFIT Warrior, Tactical Gymnastics, etc. are all present in Primal Stress, too. Let me spell some of them out for you…
It’s a bodyweight training program that has different levels of difficulty for beginners to advanced trainees. The workouts are challenging, yet manageable because they are customizable to your current conditioning level. The workouts are brief, yet intense, and the overall training system is very balanced. That is, there is a complementary blend of high intensity and low intensity training – hard-style and soft-style. There are different training schedules to choose from to align the program with what’s best for your schedule and time availability. The progress tracking guides are extensive and user-friendly. This program is 100% plug and play – no planning or guesswork involved. Plus, the whole system is action-oriented so you have no excuse not to succeed.
Did you get all that? Yeah, good stuff, huh?
If you’d like to burn fat, build muscle, improve your conditioning and health, and completely transform your life then you absolutely must check out the Primal Stress special offer:
Like I said, Primal Stress takes the best of all of Sonnon’s past product releases and puts it into a new-and-improved comprehensive physical training system.
As is typical with CST and TACFIT programs, there are some quirks, too. Specifically, some of the video footage isn’t of the highest caliber. Don’t get me wrong because the instruction is there and it’s solid, but the overall video quality is so-so with background chatter, distracting sound effects during follow-along videos, wind interference, etc. If you’re looking for a Hollywood production, then look elsewhere. But honestly, I can’t even really consider this a mark off because anyone who truly uses this program won’t think twice about those things. They just don’t matter one bit.
I will mention one specific feature that is unique about Primal Stress and sets it apart from most of Scott’s previous programs. Primal Stress includes all six TACFIT training protocols. That is, there are six different kinds of intensity workouts. You won’t just be using one training protocol like most of Sonnon’s past releases (e.g. the 20/10×8 protocol that was used in TACFIT Commando, TACFIT Warrior, etc.). Primal Stress uses six different training protocols, which I think is a huge advantage because it will help you train different energy systems and keep the workouts interesting. More variety is always a big advantage in my book, and you’ll get plenty of it in Primal Stress.
But here’s the thing. This is so much more than just a physical training program. This is truly a lifestyle transformation system, and it’s been crafted in a way that transformation is inevitable – if you follow the program. I know it sounds cheesy – like we should all sit in a circle, hold hands, and talk about our goals in life. But that’s not what this is about at all. It’s very clear that Scott is trying to do much more than just transform people’s bodies. He wants to change lives through empowerment. And empowerment is exactly what you’ll nurture by using Primal Stress, by pouring your heart into a program that has had so much heart put into it already. This man is after you!
Program Benefits and Value
So, what can all this great stuff do for you? What kind of benefits can you expect to receive from putting your faith, money, time, and effort into this program? Well, it practically goes without saying that you’ll burn bodyfat and build lean muscle (aka go muscle, not show muscle). You’ll develop total body fitness – strength, power, endurance – you name it. The bottom line is that you’ll build a stronger, more resilient, more powerful body that is practically injury-proof. You’ll get that hard body physique that so many people desire, while also securing all the normal health and fitness benefits that an exercise program offers. That’s why it’s called health-first fitness.
But beyond that, you will set yourself on a path towards empowerment through the development of resiliency and toughness. I hope I don’t have to tell you what kind of lifestyle implications this could have. Suffice to say, everything about the way you live your life changes when you become empowered. All your hopes, dreams, and goals for yourself suddenly seem achievable. But more importantly, you believe that you – YOU – can do it. Not just that it’s possible, but that you CAN and WILL do it. Simply put, empowerment inspires faith in yourself, and faith is the driving force to positive lifestyle change.
Now, all that “change your life” stuff aside, this is an extremely high value for your money – by far, the highest value of any of Scott’s past product releases (even without the extra bonuses). He could be charging so much more for this, but I know Scott likes to over-deliver on his promises and make his programs accessible to as many people as possible. So it goes without saying that if you actually use this program, it will be worth many times the money you spend on it – even if you miss the introductory sale price.
The Bottom Line
This is hands-down, the single-best bodyweight training program available today, and I’ve tried almost all of them! So, I don’t care who you are. If you are willing to work hard to burn fat, build muscle, and improve your basic conditioning, AND you want a bodyweight training program that can be customized to your individual needs and circumstances, AND you want to be told exactly what to do every single day, then Primal Stress was created for you. The bottom line is that if you have a desire to dramatically transform your health, fitness, and your quality of life, then you need to buy Primal Stress today. Pick up your copy at the link below…
And if you can only buy one of Scott’s CST or TACFIT program, and you’re trying to decide which one, make it the Primal Stress program – not just because it contains a TON of material and programs to work through for a ridiculously low price, but also because it’s the deepest and most sophisticated work that Scott has ever published before. This is the real deal, folks. You simply can’t go wrong.
Closing Thoughts
Now, before I send you off to check out the program for yourself, I must warn you: don’t go into this all carefree and happy-go-lucky. This is a serious program for serious people. There are no wannabes here, and it’s not going to be easy. In fact, it will take you right to the edge of your potential (and no further if you follow the program). And you need to be mentally ready for that going into it. A half-hearted effort won’t cut it. So, don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Also, be prepared to do some deep introspection the moment you start going through the program manual and especially the bonus materials. I’d say you’re getting a great deal even if you’re only planning to use this for the physical benefits of training. However, you’ll be missing the whole point of the program. There’s a detailed blueprint for total lifestyle transformation inside this system, and that’s where the true value of Primal Stress lies. Now, all that said, that doesn’t mean that Primal Stress is the right product for everybody (hey, we’re all at different stages, right?), which is why you need to see it for yourself.
So, I hope this brief review gave you at least enough information to make up your mind about whether Primal Stress is right for you. I’ll try to get a more comprehensive product review published at some point in the future, but I wanted to get this quickie up during the special sale. Please let me know if you have any questions or want some info from a man on the inside.
So, what are you waiting for? Go forth and develop your resiliency and toughness through the conduit of the Primal Stress program. You’ll learn more about what that really means at the official site and in the product materials themselves…
Click Here to Claim Your FREE Gift When Pick up a Copy of the Primal Stress program ($50 off + special bonuses until Sunday at midnight!)
*Don’t miss out on the launch week discount ($50 off) and bonuses expiring Sunday, August 12 at midnight!
**If you order through my referral link, please send me a copy of your receipt and I’ll send you a free gift: The Quad-Wheel Switch Exercise Coaching Video (12 minute instructional video in WMV format). This exercise is great for strengthening the muscles surrounding the shoulder and upper back, and especially for improving your posture. After you’ve placed your order through my referral link, just forward your confirmation email containing your receipt to physical (dot) living [at] gmail (dot) com and I’ll reply with your free gift. Thank you for supporting with your purchase!
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Health-First Fitness Coach
P.S. If you liked this post, then please signup for the newsletter, or follow me on Facebook or Twitter for daily updates and other interesting info.
P.P.S. Oh, and by the way, you’re going to need at least 11 Gigabytes of hard drive space to download everything – time to upgrade!
P.P.P.S. One last thing: I’d highly – HIGHLY – recommend taking Scott up on the Ageless Mobility package, too – best money you’ll have spent on your health and fitness ever. Period.
John, as always, a very helpful and honest review. Looking forward to digging into Scott’s latest material.
Thanks, Ray. It’s my pleasure. BTW, you might want to pack some snacks before you start digging. It’s gonna be awhile!
As always, spot on John. Scott once told me that what he truly liked about you, among many things is that you don’t blow smoke up his ass, that you are downright honest and business-like with you in-depth review. I was going to get Primal Stress no matter what, but admittedly was looking forward to your review. As for you little goodie (The Quad-Wheel Switch Exercise Coaching Video) you’re throwing in with purchasing Primal Stress through your website, this will be a perfect gift for my teenage son who just the other day asked me about upper-back and posture-improving exercises. One other thing; you are a great writer! Do you have a background in creative writing, or just saying what you say well?
Thanks, Kevin. Your comments are always appreciated, and you’re far too kind. I don’t have a background in writing, but I’ve come a long way since I started this site in 2008. You’d get a kick out of how poor my writing was in some of those first articles buried in the archives. Take a look sometime if you’d like a good laugh :-)
PS – I’ll be emailing your gift momentarily. If your son has the mobility/ROM to do it, that movement will do wonders for his posture. Stand by…
Hi John
Thanks for the great review.
I’m really considering buying this program but I have most of the tacfit bodyweight programs already (warrior, commando, tacgym)… so I was wondering if there are any new bodyweight exercises in this program or is it just a combination of exercises from previous programs?
John – as always, great and timely review!! Appreciate you getting it out during the PS launch!
May I ask a couple of questions please?
I have most all the TacFit programs and I wanted to know about the Bodyweight exercises in PS vs Tacfit (or other of Scott’s programs): are these new or different BW exercises? I understand about the 6 protocols but I’m asking specifically if these are new/different exercises?
In the same sense, are the Revive Flow movements any new or different from IntuFlow?
Finally, since you mentioned it, what is included in the Ageless Mobility package? I already have AM and other programs so I’m curious?
Thanks so much!
I am also curious about how much is new exercises/compensations/mobility etc as well. If I do buy it I will go through your site as I usually do :)
Ryan, Paul, Miykael,
Ah, so I see the do-it-yourselfers have revealed themselves :-)
There are some new exercises in all three components of the program – at least new to me. But the vast majority of what I’ve seen so far have been included in other products OR are hybrid or modified versions of exercises that have been in past programs. Again, I’ve only reviewed a fraction of the materials and I couldn’t give you an accurate estimate of the new options. But I have definitely seen some new stuff in there for sure.
And Paul, the Ageless Mobility package includes a collection of all of Sonnon’s main joint mobility training programs: Intu-Flow, Ageless Mobility, BodyFlow book and videos, the Free to Move book, and I think the RESET program is also offered as a bonus, too.
There’s a little more info about that package here:
It’s an incredibly good value. I spent over $300 investing in all of those programs and they were worth every penny. I think it’s majorly discounted for this product launch – if you buy it with Primal Stress. Highly recommended!
Thanks again, John! I actually went ahead and purchased it before your reply. Will be sending you my email to receive the bonus. Your review convinced me to go for it! I also have most of the items in the AM package – it looks great.
Lots to download!! So I’ll have to report back later….much later ;-)
Got that right!
Hi John
Thanks for replying!
Ageless Mobility was the first Rmax product I ever purchased and it is an amazing product for full-body compensations. Intu-flow the second, so that package is a great deal.
John, I remember you mentioning you used AM to recovery from an injury of some sort. So I can see why you are high on it as well
Yeah, they’re all great programs, and together, they serve as a comprehensive entry point into the world of recovery based training. Must-have for all serious trainees, IMO.
I agree totally. Like you I got them at their original price, so that offer is a steal if you don’t already own them.
Hi–I received an email for the final day of the sale but it is not priced at the sale price on your site. I would like to go through your site but it won’t give me the $99 price. Any idea how to purchase it at the intro price from your site?
Hey John thanks for putting your reviews and thoughts up. It has really helped me choose my path in the past.
Here is my situation Im concerned about and would love your opinion. I want to start the PS program this week. I also play a sport that keeps me very active and physical, 2-4 times a week. How would you recommend me using this program. I am considering saving the moderate and high intensity days for the weekend as those are, most of the time, my most intense playing days, but Im sure if I do that, it will not leave me with much gas to play my games. The whole objective of mine for starting this program is to improve on my recovery time. So I really want to follow the program by the calendar, but Im not so sure how to do that with my current schedule.
Any suggestions on how I should come at this.
Hi John,
Thanks for your question. This is a tricky situation because there are a lot of variables. But I think the best thing to do would be to start with the 7-day workout plan in Primal Stress (page 135 of the manual), as opposed to the standard 4×7 wave. This will cut down on the overall intensity and will allow you to keep your workouts consistent each week. And if that’s too much overall training volume (i.e. you’re not able to recover enough and don’t have enough “gas” for your sport), then you can always drop it down to 3 sessions per week.
Also, I would perform the Primal Stress workouts either at a separate time of day (e.g. morning vs afternoon), or after you’ve finished your sport training/competition for the day.
On top of that, you could also do a joint mobility session every single day, separate from your workout (e.g. first thing in the morning). You could also spend a good hour or two once a week on a deep yoga session that addresses your individual needs, too.
Finally, if you expect to perform at your peak, then you’ll need to prioritize all of the other aspects that contribute to your recovery: rest, sleep, stress management, water intake, good nutrition, etc. If just one of those is out of balance, you’re going to have a hard time.
But it can be done. When in doubt, start a little more conservatively and build progressively from there. Have fun!
Thanks for your input John. I do joint mobility sessions almost every day, the unbind session from 6deg flow about 3-4times a wk and follow that up with a prasara yoga flow. I also do flow-fit randomly when I have extra energy. So hopefully Im good there. Usually what happens is after the weekend I feel beat and need low intensity on Mon. Which would through off the 3 day wk schedule before the weekend again. So find it hard to start a schedule. I think and thank you for the reminder that I need to pay attention to my recovery, and maybe start on a 2 day a wk till I get so steam going.
Thanks again,
I have a question about the Revive Flow. I’m finding that several of the exercises included seem to start (or at least assume) that sitting back on the heels while kneeling is a relatively comfortable position. I find that it’s a painful one to me (in fact, I can’t remember a time of life when it wasn’t). While this wouldn’t be as big of a deal with the kneeling forward neck glide or the kneeling hand glove, it makes some of the moves (e.g. kneeling lunge hamstring toe flex) nearly impossible. Additionally, I’m finding that moves like the squat flatfoot switch remind me how incredibly tight my hips are.
What would you recommend to someone who clearly has some joint issues and is overweight? I don’t want to injure myself (especially not on the no intensity stretch day). Would you recommend forgoing the rest of the program and doing this until it becomes more comfortable? Or would it be better finding a more entry level program?
Hi Nick,
Great questions! If an exercise is painful or feels “nearly impossible,” then it’s not the right exercise for you. And I definitely wouldn’t force it until it gets easier. So, you have a few options:
1) You can either regress those exercises to something easier that will approximate the same activity.
2) Or, you can omit those positions/movements and follow the rest of the program as best you can (and perhaps add some corrective exercises to see if anything can be done about reducing that pain).
3) Or, follow another program entirely.
Given your situation, I’d probably steer you toward a more entry-level program, which, by the way, you can still put a lot of focus and effort into (as you should!). I’ve often found that for someone in your shoes, a simplified program leads to great results. Let me know if you’d like some recommendations.
And correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m guessing that the kneeling position is uncomfortable for your feet and/or ankles. If so, here are some exercises to help move you in the right direction:
If you’re having trouble squatting (or just have hip tightness, in general), there are a lot of ways to fix that. Here’s where I’d start:
Let me know if you have any further questions – happy to help!
John, thanks for the recommendations for gaining ankle and hip mobility. I’ll definitely want to use those.
What would you recommend for an entry level program? I’m the same guy who was asking you for suggestions on Facebook the other week, which led me to the TacFit programs and Primal Stress. I’ve been using a bodybuilding program I found online while swimming 2-3 times a week. This has worked well over the last few months and I do feel stronger, but I’d like to rotate in a program that is geared more towards weight loss and mobility (for aforementioned issues), at least for a few months. What kind of program would you suggest?
Hi Nick, I remember our FB chat. I recognized your avatar photo. Here’s what I’d do. Start with a foundation of daily joint mobility training. I’d do Intu-Flow daily for at least 15 minutes. Here’s a free beginner program.
And I’d also incorporate the Recuper8 program (also free) at least once a week (ideally, 2-3 times). Once you know all of the exercises, a thorough, full body session can be completed in 10-20 minutes. You could do it immediately after Intu-Flow or at a separate time.
For the weight loss (and mobility) goal, I’d probably steer you toward the Flowfit program, which will help you achieve both goals simultaneously.
Excellent! Thanks for the advice. I’d rather start slow and do things right rather than moving too fast and injuring myself. I’ve long appreciated your careful and well thought out advice on this blog.
It’s my pleasure, Nick! Please keep me posted.