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I just finished working with our graphic and PDF designers over at www.burnthefat.com to have this special report created. This is a PDF report about how to get six pack abs fast. My friend, Tom Venuto, needed to give an official answer since he gets so many questions about how to get six pack abs fast. So, to answer this question once and for all (probably not, but we’re hoping!), Tom wrote up this special report, and I had it turned into a PDF for you.

In case you don’t know Tom yet, he’s a wealth of fat loss knowledge, and he’s also a man who walks the talk. He’s not only been a fitness trainer and fat loss coach for the past 20 years, he’s a champion natural bodybuilder (the one’s that still look like humans – not the massive behemoth’s that juice on steroids), and he’s been training nonstop for 25 years. Tom has written hundreds of articles for websites and major magazines such as IRONMAN and Natural Bodybuilding and Fitness. He’s also the author of the #1 best selling e-book, Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle. Also, Tom just recently had a hardcover book published called The Body Fat Solution, and it will hit stores on January 9, 2009. (press release here)
Tom is one of the most respected experts because he’s never sold supplements, so you’re not going to hear about “magic weight loss pills” from him. Tom has never said that weight loss is easy so you won’t be hearing about any “magic solutions” or “rapid weight loss crash diets” either, because even if they do work, the results don’t last. What you will hear from Tom are the facts about fat loss and information on a simple program that virtually guarantees NATURAL and PERMANENT fat loss.
So, here is a brief introduction for the Six Pack Abs Revealed special report from Tom Venuto….

“After 18 years in the fitness business, “How do I get great abs” is still BY FAR the most frequently asked question I receive out of the over 30,000 emails that come into my office every month. No doubt it’s because abs are the one body part that most people are the most frustrated with.
Although their questions are often phrased differently and each person’s situation seems unique, my answer to “How do I get great abs” is almost always the same…and you’re about to hear it…”
Please download your copy by clicking on the spiral notebook image. Or, right click, and select “Save Link As…”
You can also click here to download your copy.
I’d like to offer you my review of this special report, so you know what you’re getting into.
I think Tom’s work stands head and shoulders above other fat loss guru’s out there. When Tom speaks, I listen. This little notebook about how to get six pack abs fast is chock-full of golden information that can help almost anyone finally get a six pack. Please keep in mind that Tom is a lifetime natural bodybuilder, and he will be the first to tell you that not everyone should be following a bodybuilding-style strength training routine.
There is a section of the PDF report entitled “My Championship-Winning Ab Workout Routine.” This is Tom’s personal ab training program that he uses to prepare for his bodybuilding competitions. I want to caution you that there are alternatives to this strength training routine for getting six pack abs. Isolation exercises such as crunches and situps are excellent for aesthetic goals in the case of stepping out on stage to be judged for appearance. However, they carry some health risks that you should be aware of.
Namely, isolation exercises actually train our holistically functional body to work in isolation – and that means movement and muscle imbalances, which always leads to injury. Done excessively over time, and you’re risking structural problems or worse.
A much healthier and safer alternative would be some of the exercises in the Core Strengthening Exercises video series I have here on JohnSifferman.com
Just do a search for these videos using the search box at the top.
Your Question of the Day is: how do you like the special report? I could use some critique for future PDF work!
To your health and success,
Fitness Professional and Wellness Warrior
P.S. Here is another download link for Six Pack Abs Revealed.

Thanks! Nice post.
I did not know that. thanks for the update