Scott Sonnon’s new-and-improved TACFIT 26 program is a comprehensive, plug-and-play tactical fitness program that will help you develop a high standard of fitness by burning stubborn fat, building functional muscle, injury-proofing your body, and improving your conditioning level using a variety of movement-based exercise and conditioning skills via several unique training protocols that were specifically created to address the tactical needs of various service personnel and military operators.

You know, I have been planning to write up a lengthy, comprehensive, perhaps even gushy TACFIT 26 review for the last week or so, but I just haven’t pulled the trigger yet. I was sent an advanced copy a couple of weeks ago, and have been looking over it little by little ever since. I’ve got some notes scribbled down on a few sheets of paper, but that’s about it.
But if you know me, then you know I’ve been a fan of Scott Sonnon’s work for a long time now – and a new product release isn’t entirely new to me. I actually first started following his work and training with some of his programs back in 2006, if you can believe it. How time flies. And ever since then, I’ve seen an evolution taking place in his various product releases, many of which I’ve reviewed here (including several of his TACFIT programs). In essence, Scott’s products keep getting better and better, and there’s a lot to love about them.
And TACFIT 26 is no different. From everything I’ve seen, this is another excellent product – one of Scott’s best. And given that this is the “new generation” of the original TACFIT 26 Big Box program, it’s only gotten better in the 2.0 edition. Now, I never actually reviewed the original TACFIT program – just never got around to it. So, I can’t really compare this new version to the former. But what I can do is look at this product with a fresh perspective – knowing what I know about RMAX, and their CST and TACFIT systems. And I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that this is a superb fitness and conditioning program that would appeal to a lot of different people.
If you like any of Scott’s work, then it’s a no-brainer. You will absolutely love the TACFIT 26 program. Get it while the sale is happening, and get it if you miss out on the sale. And if you don’t know anything about Scott, or even if you don’t like him, give TACFIT 26 some mindful consideration. Seriously, what we have in TACFIT 26 is a glimpse into the future of tactical fitness (ie precision fitness). It’s action-oriented, user-friendly, comprehensive, and systematic – and yet, it allows for individual customization on a needs-based basis.
There is much I could say about it. And if and when I get around to writing up a more in-depth, dare I say, comprehensive product review, I will cover all of the pertinent details.
But for now, all that must wait. Because the product is live, and you’re waiting for an unbiased and honest review from someone you can trust – and I hope I’ve earned that over the years. And as I write this, my beautiful wife is waiting for me after a long day with the kids, and I’ve promised her an evening together – just us. And I’ve got 17 of the 30 minutes I’ve allotted to myself – kitchen timer below my computer monitor – to give you my quick thoughts on this incredible program.
So, enough with the blabbing. Let’s cut right to the chase.
If you’re reading this, and are at least remotely interested in the TACFIT 26 program, then chances are good that I’d recommend you pick up a copy. I’ve got all sorts of reasons for that, but the big one is that he’s offering it for a mere $99 (launch sale – price reduced from $149). And that, my friend, is a steal – in every sense of the word. Seriously. Not only will you be getting the entire TACFIT 26 program, encompassing 108 workouts that can and will keep you busy for years if you so choose, but you’ll also receive two other programs as well (a bodyweight training program and a kettlebell training program). So, for the price of a couple personal training sessions, you’ll receive three of Scott’s products – two of them being among – what I consider – Scott’s best work to date. And as you may already know, Scott is known for over-delivering, and you can expect even more additional bonuses, too. Yeah, he’s a nice guy and all that.
The Bottom Line
So, who is TACFIT 26 best-suited for? Let me put it bluntly. Anyone and everyone even remotely interested in it – that’s who. If you think you’ll ever use it – either immediately, in the not-so-distant future, or even someday, then I think you should absolutely invest in it today.
So, get on over there, and grab yourself a copy before the launch sale expires. And if you don’t make it in time, and have to pay full price, get a copy anyways, and rest assured knowing that you’ve gotten one of the best bargains available in this corner of the fitness industry. Seriously, they could be charging hundreds of dollars for this, and believe me, people would pay it. In fact, the original program did cost hundreds (ie it was $699 on opening day if my memory serves me). And version 2.0 is by and far one of Scott’s most evolved training systems that can absolutely help you achieve your fitness goals in as rapid a time-frame as can be accomplished with a health-first approach.
So, if you need any more convincing then that, then grab your keyboard with both hands, and proceed to hammer your forehead with it until you’ve made up your mind. If it helps, concentrate on grip confirmation, core activation, and a forceful exhale whilst whacking. It always helps me when I get writer’s block.
And in usual Siffer-fashion, I will provide anyone who buys the product with a gift – on the house – as my way of saying thanks for supporting my website over all these years. See instructions below.
Sifferman, out!
Click Here to Claim Your FREE Gift When Pick up a Copy of the TACFIT 26 program ($50 off + special bonuses until Monday at midnight!)
*Don’t miss out on the launch week discount ($50 off) and bonuses expiring Monday, April 15 at midnight!
**If you order through my referral link, please send me a copy of your receipt and I’ll send you a free gift: The Quad-Wheel Switch Exercise Coaching Video (12 minute instructional video in WMV format). This exercise is great for strengthening the muscles surrounding the shoulder and upper back, and especially for improving your posture. After you’ve placed your order through my referral link, just forward your confirmation email containing your receipt to physical (dot) living [at] gmail (dot) com and I’ll reply with your free gift. Thank you for supporting my website with your purchase!
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Health-First Fitness Coach
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I was going to get this product no matter what, John (you’ve pushed me off the fence-sitting a number of times in the past; not this time. I was already in the field). But, I always pay you the respect you deserve and see what you have to say. Plus, as in previous purchases, I will go through your blog. I hope all is well with you and family (pets included).
Take care.
Your support is always appreciated, Kevin. I hope all is well over on the West Coast, too.
P.S. Email sent!
Hi John,
thank you for being once again a timely and reliable source of information on all things RMAX!
So vast a program (once again), and so many question:
Can you enlighten us on how much time it takes to complete one of the 26 “Qual” workouts? (BTW: in German Qual means “Agony” – while somehow fitting, I guess Scott intended “Quality”). Are they geared at 20 min + Mobility/Compensation?
Are there suggestions as to when/why to pick a particular workout of the bunch? What’s the guiding principle(s) of exercise combination/selection?
Of course every new program Scott releases is now the one to go for, his best one yet. Only better is better. He teaches us to expect nothing less. I guess the question for many is: If I own already his programs A, B and X, will I find enough new inspiration/material to spring for this latest one? E.g. does TACFIT26 contain the entire Primal Stress material? If not, how do they compare?
I guess it would be helpful if there would be a chart somewhere (RMAX would be a good place!) that tells you: e.g. the new TACFIT26 covers materials of previous products C, D, Y… and then contains so much more beyond.
Hi Winfried,
The general idea of the program is a 20 minute workout surrounded by a mobility warmup and compensation cooldown (approx 3-6 minutes each). Some of the workouts will take longer than 20 minutes, but most of what I saw was in the 20-30 minute workout range.
On your no-intensity Mobility days and low-intensity Compensatory Yoga days, the sessions will take anywhere from about 10-20 minutes or so.
The program is very systematic, in that, what you’ll be doing each day is planned in advance. Sure, you could just pick and choose the individual workouts you’d like to try, but it’s been designed to be followed in order – from A to Z. There is zero guesswork involved. It’s action-oriented, in that, it tells you exactly what to do and makes it as easy as possible to begin as quickly as possible. Even the exercise instructional videos have been condensed into 1 minute clips for speed of implementation.
Regarding the guiding principles of exercise combinations/selection, you’ll have to ask Scott because I’d probably just muddy the waters with my wayward opinions and lack of knowledge :-)
I did try to get on the phone with him for an interview to address questions like this, but it just didn’t happen.
And I agree that a chart or buyer’s guide would be a good thing for RMAX to produce, and believe me, you’re not the first to mention this. Actually, I think I’ve heard that probably dozens of times over the years.
Now, it’s true that Scott’s programs HAVE been continually improving and evolving, but contrary to popular belief, I haven’t actually endorsed all of them. You’ll notice that I conspicuously have not reviewed all of RMAX’s releases over the years mainly because I try to focus my reviews on the best ones. And there have been a couple that I’ve considered novel additions to the RMAX product line, but that I just couldn’t stand behind like I have with some of the others.
That said, I reviewed TACFIT 26 because it is some of Scott’s best work, and is worth the investment no matter what other programs you have of his (unless you own version 1.0 of TACFIT 26, of course – that’s another story).
So, I really meant what I said in the closing thoughts of my review – it wasn’t just clever marketing copy.
So, who is TACFIT 26 best-suited for? Let me put it bluntly. Anyone and everyone even remotely interested in it – that’s who. If you think you’ll ever use it – either immediately, in the not-so-distant future, or even someday, then I think you should absolutely invest in it today.
P.S. TACFIT 26 does not include the ENTIRE Primal Stress program – just a couple elements – namely Flow Physique and The Bodyweight Exercise Manual (see sales page), probably to assist those who don’t have all of the equipment used in the main T26 program.
Any more questions, just let me know – happy to help!
Hi John,
yup, with the wildly prolific master of sports at the helm the RMAX universe can be confusing. I came via you to clubbells (and Shane Heins) to the “Ageless mobility package”(cue, non US territory hooray for downloadables), then the “TACFIT Barbarian package” plus Scott’s recent freebies. Despite 20+ Gigs of data, and all I learnt from that, I still felt I never ‘got’, and thus kept wondering, what the real TACFIT program/concept was, e.g. what the “six protocols”, the challenges and much of the other lingo stood for.
My point is, I think my oblique entry into TACFIT is probably typical. Possibly because there is no obvious “please start here” marker any more since the focus shifted from CST to TACFIT. Maybe TACFIT26 will rise to that status of definitive reference to the TACFIT world?
TACFIT, CST, and the RMAX organization are constantly changing, Winfried, which is part of what contributes to all the confusion. That said, TACFIT 26 was and is the main program in the TACFIT curriculum (remember that this is version 2.0). It’s TACFIT 101, in a sense.
And this digital version that has been updated and enhanced is merely the latest iteration of what TACFIT has always been about. So, in that sense, if one could start with any particular TACFIT program, this is the best one to use. All of the other TACFIT programs (Commando, Warrior, Barbarian, ROPE, etc.) are sub-sets from the bigger system that is encapsulated in TACFIT 26.
Hopefully, that makes some semblance of sense. Sometimes, I doubt my own ability to understand myself :)
Hi John,
I bought Primal Stress based partially on your positive review…any comments on how Tacfit 26 is different and if it would be complimentary to PS?
Thank you!
Hi John,
TACFIT 26 and Primal Stress are both based on the same training overall philosophy (ie CST and TACFIT). So, they will be quite similar in regards to HOW and WHY you use them. But they’re very different programs in terms of WHAT you’ll actually be doing day-in and day-out (ie the workout programs themselves).
One of the major differences is that PS is a bodyweight training program and T26 utilizes several key pieces of exercise equipment (e.g. clubbells, pullup bar, etc.). So, in that regard, I think they would compliment each other well.
And if it’s of any help, I’d be strongly recommending this offer even if it didn’t come with the Primal Stress bonuses. TACFIT 26 is solid in-and-of-itself, and it’d be well-worth the price even if they were charging double.
Let me know if you have any further questions – happy to help.
I don’t have a sandbag, do I really need to get one to make the most out of the program?
You can substitute other equipment as needed, or just make a homemade sandbag – they’re cheap and easy to put together. Ross Enamait has a good tutorial online.
Thank you John. Looking at the costs of buying all the parts new, I may as well buy a new one from Amazon or eBay!
I did make a medicine ball and that was value for money, I can’t do any of the slam down exercises as it doesn’t bounce, plus I don’t want to disturb the neighbours below me!
I’ve purchased some of Scott’s previous programs before but found even some of the beginning workouts too challenging for my 50 year old body that has been essentially desk bound for the last 20 years. Is Tacfit 26 geared more to someone who has been excising for awhile but wanting to take it to another level or is it a good place to start for someone trying to get physically active after many years of relative inactivity?
If not Tacfit 26, what programs would you recommend for someone that needs to start slowly?
Hi Jeff,
It depends on what you’re looking for. If you want a conditioning program for body composition improvement and fitness enhancement, then TACFIT 26 is a great option. The whole program can be scaled up or down to accommodate your needs. Assuming you’re able to perform the beginner level exercises, and if you’re willing to tinker with the program design a bit (e.g. going slower, focusing on technique instead of repetition numbers, etc.), then I think T26 could definitely work for you. You’ll want to pay special attention to the section on Intuitive Training (e.g. managing your technique, discomfort, and exertion while exercising) to help the program match your needs.
That said, there are other programs from Scott that are more oriented to someone in your shoes. The first thing that comes to mind is the Ageless Mobility package, which I consider one of the best values packages that Scott has ever made available. More info here:
That’s mostly a low intensity exercise option for restorative purposes – and it’d be well-worth your time if you’re willing to commit to it. But if you want something with a little more “umph” then Scott’s TACFIT Warrior program might be a good option, too, because it includes 5 different levels of exercise difficulty, and would more easily accommodate beginner-level needs. More info on TACFIT Warrior here:
There are others, too – lot’s of options out there. Let me know if you have any further questions – happy to help.
Are the beginning stages of Tacfit Warrior easier than those in Tacfit26? Or similar? Would Ageless Mobility be a good prelude to Tacfit 26? I’m looking for a program to improve overall fitness, conditioning, and strength. Just need to start slow and easy.
Ageless Mobility would absolutely be a great set of programs to work through, and will lead into the TACFIT Curriculum quite well. That said, those programs aren’t for strength and conditioning purposes. They’re mostly low-moderate intensity exercise for recovery purposes.
TACFIT Warrior and Commando won’t be all that different in terms of actual difficulty, but TW does have more options for exercise regressions (ie easier versions). But just between you and me, I think you could handle T26 if you apply the Intuitive Training protocol and personalize the program to your needs. The beginner level exercises are accessible to most skill/fitness levels, and if you get hung up on a certain exercise, there are plenty of people in the CST and TACFIT community who would be willing to help you out with some ideas.
TACFIT Mass Assault might be worth looking at as well, TACFIT Firefighter First Alarm? Shapeshifter Body Redesign? I found the workouts more straightforward with less unusual in terms of movement, which should make things a little easier
Thanks for chiming in, Leon. I had forgotten about Shapeshifter Body Redesign – another good one for beginners that might be worth a look for Jeff. I know we’re coming down to the wire on the T26 launch sale now, though.
Shapeshifter Body Redesign – Complete Review
You’re welcome John, you’re doing a good thing here.
Hi John,
I see you have listed the T26 launch sale through Apr-15 until midnight…is that east coast time?…it’s 10:21pm on the west coast and it appears to have gone up to $149 again…did I miss the sale?
I’m afraid so, Mike. I think it did end around midnight EST.
Thanks for the update…I guess you snooze, you lose… =8-)
I respect your opinion of Scott’s products, so I still picked it up at the higher price…looking forward to getting into the details.
I appreciate all the information you put out on your blog.
Thanks, Mike!
Just by watching Youtube TACFIT videos I have done many of the TACFIT exercises and 4×7 program for quite some time with amazing effects but without myself spending money on it.
Since following John for some time, watching his youtube videos and reading his reviews i came to see that his reviews are very trustworthy. So today i decided to buy this program from Scott.
John, thanks so much for doing what you do here on physical living, you generate great clarity of the quality and content of all those fitness programs out there that you have reviewed.
That’s one of the nicest compliments I’ve ever received in a comment. Thank you, Jurgen. I’m more than happy to help in this small way.
Hi John,
I’m seriously considering getting Tacfit26 and was curious to know which energy system each of the 6 Tacfit protocols targets (strength, endurance, burst-recover etc). Is there information on your web site or a resource where I could get this info. I have a basic understanding of met-con and am keen to deepen my knowledge.
many thanks,
Hi Andy,
I’m not a TACFIT-certified Instructor. So, I really can’t comment on the specifics because I just don’t know. However, when I look at the six different protocols, I see program design that addresses all three primary energy systems. TACFIT 26 is metabolic conditioning at its very core. Just keep in mind the context in which you’re training those systems (through tactical-specific movement skills).
Sorry I can’t be of much more help. I had hoped to interview Scott about issues like this, but it just didn’t happen. I’m sure he could help you understand the how and why better than I can.
P.S. If my memory serves me, Scott discussed this a bit in our interview here:
Many thanks for your reply, John. Much appreciated. I think I will definitely jump into the Tacfit world once I’ve completed Shane Hein’s excellent Clubbell Mass Evolution program.
I’ve been following your site for a few months now and find it motivational and inspirational. Many thanks, again.
It’s my pleasure, Andy.
I bought TACFIT26 during the sale. While I am somewhat familiar with some of Scott’s other work (Intuflow, Clubbells, Parallettes). I had always felt I was missing out on the core ideas and key (bodyweight) exercises of TACFIT. When after downloading I sifted through the vast amount of files I quickly realized that this was what I was looking for: the “real” and complete TACFIT; alpha to zulu, delta back to alpha…
Is it suitable for beginners? Well, the program is plug and play, in that it tells you exactly what to do progressively – if you like for the next 500 days and then some. Scott’s video instructions on each and every exercise are meticulous and masterful. And – for very good reason – he “insists” on the same precision with us when we carry them out. Precision fitness, indeed.
The workouts are geared towards 30 intense and challenging minutes per day. But in order for it to “work out” for you, you need to become acquainted with the exercises well beforehand.
There is just so much to learn – no matter how prepared you consider yourself. And that’s entirely a good thing. However, this also means getting familiar with 18 uncommon exercises just to get through the first four days (then new exercises for the four days after that, and so on).
So to be ready to start out, you have to commit a significant amount of additional time to first learn what (and how) you are supposed to perform during the workout. This constitutes quite a steep learning curve, and getting over the hump of “just getting started” with the program seems more daunting than maybe it should be. No rah rah pep talk, and no “follow along” here. It will be you and your timer working – well – from the base that you first need to build up by yourself.
So I guess the program works best for those who no longer need convincing, but already know WHY they want to study and do this, and why it’s worth the intellectual (seriously!) and then physical effort.
IMHO you’re well on the way to reap the benefits of exercise when you
1. get moving in the first place
2. remain careful not to get hurt
3. keep coming back (maybe because you experienced how good it felt, and how much fun you have)
4. eventually find the one thing or the mix that you feel is fun and “good for you”
5. strive to get better and better technically & physically
TACFIT26 has its greatest strength in point 5. But there (as well as for point 2) it’s as good as it gets.
Great feedback, Winfried – thank you! And that’s a good reminder about the learning curve – something I neglected to mention having been involved with CST/TACFIT for awhile now.
On Scott’s facebook page during the last hours of the sale a commenter expressed she wasn’t sure – and therefore requested advice – whether TACFIT26 was right for her.
Scott replied that if she wasn’t sure what she was getting into, then she best start out with his various freebies (xtension, breathinggift, recuper8 etc.) – and let me add: the TACFIT firefighter free workouts.
I think this answer speaks volumes about Scott’s integrity, and is also very good advice. If you like what you see (and do!) there, then you can dive in at the deep end (aka tacfit26) with confidence.
Hey John,
Thanks for the great review!! I have a couple of question for you that will help me in deciding to buy Tacfit 26
1)I currently own Primal stress and travel a lot and do not plan to buy any equipment. SO will Tacfit26 add any value to Primal stress in terms of BW workouts?
2) I am generally not able to stick to the format of 4×7 due to work and travel. So I work on mt mobility and prasara yoga 20 min in morning 6 times a week. and work on actual tacfit workouts in the evening 2-3 times / week. DO you think its appropriate programming.
Hi Sid,
A lot of people follow your format of doing the prehab exercises in the morning and then intensity training later on in the day (a few times per week). It’s a good format – one I’ve often used myself. As long as you’re still getting results, then keep it up. Just be sure to alternate your high intensity and moderate intensity days each session.
TACFIT 26 would be best used if you have the equipment available. It’s true that you can substitute in various bodyweight exercises, but this would require some extra legwork to figure out what to do, and if you already have Primal Stress, then I’d say you’ll be better served by that. If you’re looking for a change of scenery, Scott does have a few other good bodyweight training programs that may interest you. These are among his best, and are the ones I chose to review.
TACFIT Commando Review
TACFIT Warrior Review
There are a lot of other great options out there, too – and not just from Sonnon. So, let me know if you’re looking for something specific.
Hi John,
Thanks for your comments. As you said there are lot of options other than sonnon ,Can you suggest anything in particular for BW workouts. Since I do not want to change my morning practice, I was just looking for more options to work with in the evenings following 3-4 days/week pattern. My major criteria is strength and conditioning work based on all movement patterns.
FlowFit is another good one from Sonnon – highly recommended! It’s not nearly as comprehensive as Scott’s TACFIT products, but it does hit all six degrees of freedom in one session.
Alberto Gallazzi released TACFIT Survival awhile back, which is not the best in quality, but is another decent program in the TACFIT lineup. More info here: TACFIT Survival Review.
And the Gold Medal Bodies crew has a great lineup of products (some bodyweight ones, others with minimal equipment – highly recommended! You may be interested in their Floor 1 and Floor 2 programs. Really good stuff.
Those are some of the best options from the CST/TACFIT crowd, IMO.