TACGYM is the premier tactical gymnastics program that uses bodyweight exercises and simple acrobatics to help you master basic movements and help you gain access to flow-state performance.

TACGYM is Scott Sonnon’s latest solution for the functional fitness needs of soldiers, firefighters, other servicemen, and anyone who wants to increase their movement quality and potential – even us “normal” people. In case you don’t know Scott, he’s a World Martial Arts Champion, USA National Coach, a Master of Sport, and a fitness instructor to some of the world’s top special operations groups. He’s the real deal, folks, and I’ve been honored to call him my coach for the past 5 years.
Scott claims that his TACGYM program will transform your body through movement, and after my initial impressions, I’m inclined to believe him
What makes TACGYM unique are the unconventional, acrobatic exercises paired with effective programming that train the body in all planes of motion (3D conditioning) and with different energy system involvement. It’s an equipment-free fitness training program that is accessible to people of all skill and conditioning levels due to its progressive nature and the fact that all of the physical skills advance in difficulty. With TACGYM, you aren’t just training individual muscle groups, but the whole body through increasingly more complex movements that stimulate the nervous system to help you move and function more efficiently (along with other boring stuff like shredding excess bodyfat and chiseling “hard body” muscles – *yawn*).
Truth be told, I’ve been looking forward to this for a LONG time. In fact, I’ve been eagerly awaiting the release of TACGYM since before it was even an idea. No, I’m not claiming to have psychic powers or the ability to predict the future, just that I’ve been hoping for a program exactly like this to come around eventually. You see, back in 2006, I stumbled upon a little something called the BodyFlow program, which is a homemade recording of a one-day seminar teaching a few dozen unique biomechanical exercises (ie basic acrobatics). Even though it wasn’t a Hollywood production by a long shot, the material was exceptionally good and I’ve been hooked on both the movements and the philosophy behind them ever since.
I’ve received exceptional health and fitness benefits from this type of training, but what I really like about this stuff is that it’s FUN! It’s truly a blast to try out new movements and explore the limits of your body. Since my first bout with BodyFlow, I’ve devoured several different permutations of the same material as it has evolved over the years, and has finally culminated into Scott Sonnon’s Tactical Gymnastics Program – what he calls the 4.0 evolution of his movement coaching model. I was fortunate to be offered an advanced copy of the full program to review for you.
Who is this “John guy” to be reviewing the TACGYM Program?
Before you read any further, you should know where I’m coming from as a product reviewer. I’ll say right from the start that, apart from a single workout session, I have not used TACGYM myself. Thus, I cannot possibly give it the extensive review it deserves, but I certainly will be in the future. That aside, I think I can still offer quite a bit of insight into the program both as a fitness professional and as a consumer.
First and foremost, I’m writing this review as a consumer. It’s my goal to tell you everything you need to know before you purchase. By the time you’re done reading this, you will be absolutely clear about whether or not TACGYM is right for you. My ultimate goal is clarity about the materials themselves – both about what you get, but also concerning what is involved AFTER you purchase. I want to make sure you invest not only your money wisely, but also your time and energy. TACGYM is definitely not for everybody, but for those it IS for – you are going to be quite impressed.
Secondly, I’m writing this review as a fitness coach of 5 years, and someone who is intimately familiar with the Circular Strength Training system upon which TACGYM is based (certified CST Instructor since 2009) along with its product library, including the many TACFIT programs. I’m not only familiar with the system that TACGYM is based on, but also with the individual training protocols, and even many of the movements/exercises themselves. Although I have never trained in TACGYM, I’ve been using the principles and methods behind it for years.
*I’m going to do my best to keep this as concise as possible – even if it means I have to bust out the good ol’ bullet points and bold formatting!
In my opinion, TACGYM is the most impressive and immersive TACFIT program ever released. After reading the official TACGYM manual and viewing the many instructional and follow-along videos, it is beyond obvious that a huge amount of thought, research, practice, coaching, and trial-and-error testing went into the development of TACGYM. The materials reek of sophistication, yet the program is extremely simple and straightforward to follow. This is truly a new evolution of an exercise program, and sets the bar VERY high for future fitness products.
Here is the abridged version of what I like about TACGYM…
- Firstly, there is a LOT of material included in the TACGYM package. For the price of a couple personal training sessions, you’re getting a lot of value. If you went through the entire program, step-by-step, you’d have a year’s worth of training material. But honestly, you could devote more than a year to practicing this stuff.
- You’ll probably also be happy to hear that a good portion of that material is NEW. I keep a keen eye on all CST and TACFIT products, and own almost all of them myself, and I still found things in here that I’ve never seen before – not only brand new exercises, but recovery techniques and methods for tracking progress among other things.
- One of the best things about TACGYM is that it’s a plug-and-play program and very simple to follow. You really don’t need to do anything to prepare or get started, and there is no guesswork involved. Everything is laid out for you – just review the instructional materials and get started – nothing to adjust, nothing to test, and you can get started immediately.
- TACGYM may not be for everyone, but almost anyone can do TACGYM. Two of its hallmark features are how incremental progression and exercise sophistication are weaved into the programming. These ensure that anyone, regardless of skill or conditioning level can begin using TACGYM today – young or old, fat or fit, athlete or desk jockey. As long as you’ve been cleared by your doctor to exercise, chances are you can get started with TACGYM today. It’ll work for anyone – from complete beginners (even if you’ve never exercised before), to seasoned CST and TACFIT athletes.
- In the same vein, you don’t need to be familiar with either the CST or TACFIT systems to start using Tactical Gymnastics. Complete beginners will have no trouble learning and implementing the system. This is a great introduction for people whom are not already familiar with the CST and TACFIT systems, and a good review for those who are.
- Not only does TACGYM include gradually more challenging skills through movement sophistication, it also includes what is called the Complex Training Effect. This is similar to kinetic chains or “hybrid” exercises, in that you are combining two or more movements together to get a more sophisticated movement skill. Naturally, your results will increase as your skill development does. In essence, you’ll be getting more out of each repetition as your training advances = more training efficiency.
- TACGYM is not a body transformation program, it’s a movement transformation program. That said, you will still transform your body as a by-product of performing these workouts. It’s not the primary goal, but it will be an indirect result from using the program. The movements themselves (over 50 in the main program, and over 100 with the bonus materials) are multi-plane exercises that move through the six degrees of freedom (hitting the whole body in every possible plane of movement). These drills are designed for a lot more than just aesthetics, but I can guarantee these workouts will build lean muscle and shed excess bodyfat giving you that hard-body look of a gymnast or acrobat.
- There are three different training protocols in the TACGYM program, meaning you’ll get a much more broad training effect and be able to improve different energy systems. Again, the instructions are extremely detailed, leaving no stone unturned.
- Just from reviewing the training protocols, I can tell that though these workouts will be low to moderate intensity, they will still be quite challenging. Now, the good news is that TACGYM presents what I consider a new level of intuitive training helping you to take more control over your individual program. Remember that YOU will create the level of challenge that you’re comfortable with by using CST’s Intuitive Training Protocol that is explained in the manual.
- A huge plus is that TACGYM requires zero equipment – meaning you need absolutely nothing else to get started and you can do the workouts anywhere, and anytime. You don’t need a gym membership or an expensive home gym – just some open space on the ground to move around on.
- Another major advantage that TACGYM has over most other fitness programs is that there are three different schedule possibilities included in the program (e.g. 4×7, 7×4, and 3/week). So, no matter what your schedule, you’ll be able to find a way to follow the program without too much hassle. Speaking of which, the workouts themselves only take about 20 minutes plus extra time for warmups and cooldowns.
- Another major advantage that TACGYM offers is a specific formula for integrating other training programs or extra physical activity into the workout program – meaning you don’t necessarily have to give up your current physical activity routine to use TACGYM.
- One of the hallmark qualities of any TACFIT program is the recovery techniques built into the program design. While TACGYM does not have specific warmups and cooldowns for each workout, it does have some general recovery techniques that can be used as warmups, cooldowns, and for active recovery on non-strength training days. Of particular interest are the fact that these recovery techniques are somewhat new to the CST and TACFIT curriculum. It’s not your usual run-of-the-mill Intu-Flow and Prasara routines. There is a brand new joint mobility routine using a staff or wooden dowel. There are also a few Prasara Yoga flows designed to counter-act common problems in the lower body. What is most interesting is the bonus program called Body Rolling, which is a myofascial release mini-program for alleviating much deeper tension between training sessions (much like foam rolling).
- Not only are there recovery techniques for before and after your training sessions, there are also specific strategies for recovering between circuits, individual sets, reps, and even during an individual repetition. These are some fairly advanced training strategies that are invaluable to anyone who intends on getting the most out of each training session, and you can’t find this information anywhere else (that I know of).
- One of the best inclusions in the TACGYM program is a detailed explanation of the 4×7 periodization strategy and the 4-day wave associated with it. It leaves no questions unanswered, and even offers specific examples of what kinds of activities you can be doing on each day to help you plan out your entire training program.
- One last thing, the quality of the instructional and follow-along videos is the best yet for a TACFIT product. No, these aren’t Hollywood productions, but they do serve their purpose wonderfully. The follow-along simulation videos, in particular, have received a major face-lift over previous products. They provide everything that is necessary and only what is necessary (and there are no cheesy pep talks scattered throughout!).
I could go on and on, and I’ve really only covered half of my notes. Hopefully, you see that this is not just another average fitness program. This is a new beast entirely!
I have yet to see a workout-related product that offers so much detail and precision in its structure, and yet, there is nothing extraneous in TACGYM. Everything you could possibly need to reap the benefits from this program is included, and nothing more. There’s no fluff, no filler info, and everything is in there for a reason.
In an attempt to be fair and unbiased (I am biased after all), here are what I consider the disadvantages of the TACGYM program…
- There are no workout-specific warmups and cooldowns like former TACFIT programs. Although, this is really a moot point because of the low intensity nature of TACGYM training sessions. TACGYM is not a high intensity program, and the workouts don’t necessarily require specific warmups, though warming up is recommended in the manual. Plus, the general recovery programs are included and can be used for both warmups and cooldowns.
- The official manual that you receive is a honking huge PDF file and includes quite a bit of graphic design work. While it does look great and completely professional, it is a bear to load – even with my monstrously-fast, tricked out PC. It’s a little hard to navigate – even scrolling down is clunky.
- It also took me nearly two hours to download everything – even with an ultra high-speed fiber optics internet connection (I know that I’m really reaching here!)
I really can’t complain. Apart from those petty annoyances, I think TACGYM is nearly perfect for the right person. It’s plug and play and brain-dead simple. Just do the work and you’ll get the resulting benefits.
A Note on Quality and Value
The TACGYM program is, without question, one of the highest quality products and best values that I’ve seen in awhile. I’ve been following Scott’s work for years, but this program greatly exceeded my expectations. It’s comprehensive, innovative, effective, and lot’s of fun! I can’t tell you how many fitness and diet products I’m asked to review here on Physical Living. It’s almost over-whelming! The truth is that there are a LOT of junk programs out there that are way over-priced and practically useless – not to mention they don’t even deliver on their promises. This isn’t one of them. There may be some trivial flaws that I have over-looked, but I have yet to find a legitimate fault with this program. Perhaps time will tell, but I’m not crossing my fingers. Instead, I plan on using TACGYM myself in the future.
This is, by far, one of the best investments you could make in a fitness info product online. You get a whole lot of value for your dollar that could keep you busy for a long time. Scott is clearly over-delivering with his offer – not to mention all the bonuses included. Although, that doesn’t mean that TACGYM is the right product for everybody, which is why, ultimately, you need to see it for yourself.
Who is TACGYM best-suited for?
People who will be best served by TACGYM will be those who are interested in the progressive bodyweight and acrobatic movement patterns and generally enjoy exploring new movement possibilities in a workout program format. I would not necessarily recommend this program if you’re solely looking for a fat loss exercise routine. It’s true that TACGYM will improve your health, fitness, and body composition, but this is primarily a movement transformation program, not a body transformation program. Sure, it’ll burn fat and will build “go muscle,” but not necessarily show muscle. If this type of movement appeals to you at all, then this should be a no-brainer.
But seriously, if you’re looking for a new and innovative fitness training program that goes above-and-beyond mere fitness benefits, and will not only guarantee fat loss and muscle gain, but also better movement efficiency, injury prevention, and all-around conditioning, then you need to buy the Tactical Gymnastics Program. Pick up your copy at the official site here:
Click Here to Claim Your FREE Gifts When You Order TACGYM*
($50 discount + additional bonuses until midnight on 5/22/11)

*Don’t miss out on the launch week discount and bonuses – expiring 5/22/2011 at midnight PST!
**If you order through my referral link, please send me a copy of your receipt and I’ll send you a free gift: The TACGYM Double Leg Swoop Coaching Video (11 minute instructional video in WMV format). This has been one of my favorite exercises for years. It’s great for strengthening the core muscles, and releasing tension in and around the hips and lower back. Plus, it’s a lot of fun to do because you feel like you’re breakdancing! After you’ve placed your order through my referral link, just forward your confirmation email containing your receipt to physical (dot) living [at] gmail (dot) com and I’ll reply with your free gift. Thank you for supporting PhysicalLiving.com!
If you found this article helpful, please share it with your friends and tweeps:
Health-First Fitness Coach
P.S. If you’d like to have a look at a few actual TACGYM workouts, then check out the video and instructions here:
P.P.S. Also available is an excellent interview I did with Scott Sonnon to help you learn more about the TACGYM program before you buy:
Housekeeping Note:
Sometime between Friday night and Saturday morning, all of the comments on this blogpost disappeared. This has never happened before, and I’m still not exactly sure what happened – actually, I have no idea. They were erased both from the blogpost and from my wordpress database. I receive email notifications for all comments that I use as double-backups, which I added manually this morning (5/22).
I do cherish all of the questions and comments that are left on my website – and appreciate the time and thought that goes into them. I’m sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you, and I’m going to try and get to the bottom of this so it doesn’t happen again.
I’m not a tech guy and really don’t know what could have happened, but I’m guessing it was either a plug-in or theme issue. If anyone is familiar with WordPress and may know why this has happened, I’m all ears. Please use the contact form if you feel so inclined.
Thank you – back to business as usual.
In your opinion what is the difference between TacFit and TacGym (I’ve done neither)? Which program is more suited towards which goals/practitioner?
Hi Alvin,
Good question, and a big question that merits a detailed explanation. There are similarities and differences. At its most basic level, TACFIT is a conditioning-based high-intensity exercise program and TACGYM is a skills-based movement transformation program. That’s a dumbed-down answer to what really requires a deeper explanation.
I have two interviews with Scott Sonnon about TACFIT and TACGYM that should offer you more insight…
TACFIT Interview
*see down below the video interview for brief descriptions about the various TACFIT programs, including links to product reviews, workout examples, etc.
TACGYM Interview
That should get you started.
I’m going to see if I can get Scott, or someone else on the RMAX team, to answer this in more detail for you. For now, take a look at a brief explanation that I copied/pasted from an interview Scott did with Tactical Magazine (http://www.rmaxinternational.com/flowcoach/?p=773)…
Scott Sonnon: “TACFIT is a short-duration, high-intensity, fast-recovery workout. The goal is to prepare the ability to work under high stress with fast-recovery.
Tactical Gymnastics is a low to moderate intensity exercise program to increase efficiency of movement under stress. TACGYM improves shooting platforms for firearms, as well as knife, strike, kick, takedown and groundfighting structure.
How well you can transition from one position to the next often determines who is standing, and who is dead; who is safe and who is hurt. Bigger isn’t better. Stronger isn’t better. Faster isn’t even better. Only better is better. The goal is to move better. Size, strength and speed are only valuable IF they supplement movement efficiency.”
You were kind enough to help me out with some advice a couple months ago, regarding how best to back into TFW using FF. I’ve been working on FF level one in conjunction with Intu-Flow since then, and I’m feeling and moving much better.
TacGym looks great, but I think I’d be better served sticking with FF and TFW for now. Also, unfortuantely, I’m short on $, so I guess I’ll just have to wait until Scott releases the Ver. 2.0 he talks about in the interview. OH WHELL….
Oh, just so you know, there’s a very nice lady out there who’se been using the “body rolling” name for a while now. My honey had the opportunity to study with her a few years ago, good stuff. I really don’t know what the status is as far as the name goes, but she’s been using it since the mid to late 90’s. Though Scott might want to know.
Thanks again for the blog and the help.
Thanks for your note, Peter. I’m glad to hear you are doing well. Keep up the good work!
HI John,
Getting ready to purchase, just a couple questions.
Clicking through the referral link will still result in the same bonuses as a direct order (body flow, etc) as well as the discounted price on Zdorovye?
Also, when i put TacGym in my cart it says Introductory TacGym package…is there a deluxe package to follow that you know of?
Thanks again!
1) Yes, absolutely. The only thing my affiliate referral link does is notify the TACGYM crew who sent you to the homepage.
2) No, not that I know of.
Thank you for the review. I’ve been swimming in the CST waters for a little while now, and this looks exciting. I have one question about Tacgym: how much space is required to get the most out of the movements? It looks like they require, on average, significantly more room than, say, a Tacfit Commando workout or a prasara flow. For some, this might make it a “seasonal” program available only when outside workouts are possible. Any thoughts?
Another James!
That’s a good question. Technically, you could do the vast majority of TACGYM exercises with ground-space big enough to fit two yoga mats side-by-side – just like in TF Commando. It might require a little creativity once in awhile, but for the most part, you should be ok. There will be a few exercises that you definitely need more space though (e.g. forward rolls).
That said, you’ll probably want more space than that for some of the exercises anyways – just so that you can run with it and not have to think about bumping into anything. Your call!
Quick question:
Ar ethe breathing execises here, and in Zdorovye similar to the exercises in R.E.S.E.T. (or Kettlebell foundation for that matter)? I have been on the cusp of purchaisng reset for some time, but wan’t sure if I inadvertently had the info via a different product.
thx again
All of the programs are based on the Circular Strength Training System, which is rooted in Zdorovye, which I have not previewed. Some of the applicable RESET techniques are briefly covered in the TACGYM program. Like I said in the review, everything that is necessary and ONLY what is necessary is included. I would hold off on purchasing RESET until AFTER you’ve taken a look at TACGYM first. You may or may not need the full RESET program depending on your training goals.
Thanks John, I truly appreciate the candor.
Good review, John. I like how you called it a “movement transformation” program instead of a “body transformation” program.
What do you think about combining TACGYM with a mass program like Clubbell Mass Evolution or Mass Assault? Should you do one at a time, or could you do both together?
Thanks Duff! I think combining TACGYM with other programs a great idea, and it was actually designed with this in mind. It includes several examples of how to combine it with other TACFIT programs.
For example, you could do TACGYM on a low intensity training day, TACFIT Mass Assault on a moderate intensity training day, then TACFIT Commando on a high intensity training day. There are other ways to do it, too, of course. You could certainly sub in the CME workouts on a mod day, too.
It was meant to be versatile – either as a stand-alone program or as a module to insert into your current program. That’s one of the reasons why this is the most refined of all the TACFIT products, in my opinion.
Still not sure whether the tacgym is for me. Have read your review and listened to the interview. Is the tacgym in the same vein as flowfit and prasara yoga but more complex. I am doing tacfit commando could I use it along side this and what benefits will I gain. I am thinking it is going to help my body get to a different level faster and easier.
Hi Lydia,
Yes, TACGYM is similar to both FlowFit and Prasara yoga, but I wouldn’t say it’s more complex, just a lot more comprehensive as a program. It goes into a lot more depth than FlowFit, and offers step-by-step progressions, unlike most Prasara programs. It’s also the best value for your money among the three programs – even after the launch discount expires and the price increases.
It has a different purpose from TACFIT Commando, which is a high intensity conditioning program. TACGYM is for low-moderate intensity flow-based exercise. Like I said in the review, it’s a movement transformation program moreso than a body transformation program. If anything, you’re TACFIT Commando performance will improve from the quality of movement you develop from practicing TACGYM.
I hope that provides a little more insight, and please let me know if you have any further questions.
did these comments get reset? clicked thru the email notification of a previously left comment and it aint here, lol….
Yes, I woke up Saturday morning and all of the comments had disappeared on this post. I’ve never had anything like this happen before, and I’m not sure what went wrong. I should have a backup, and I’m going to try and re-upload all of them this morning.
Hey John, thanks for an informative review!
I’m just wondering, what is your impression of the recovery/tension-release methods that come with tacgym? Archimedes, bodyrolling and healing staff, I believe they’re called.. Have you tried them? What do you think?
Thanks OJ!
I’ve gone through both Archimedes and the Healing Staff videos so far, and love them. I think they’re a great addition to the program – and a perfect adjunct for a regular IntuFlow and Prasara Yoga practice.
I took a brief look at the Body Rolling video just to get an idea of what was included, but have not followed along with it yet. I think it’s a 40 minute video! Though, I am familiar with foam rolling and ball rolling techniques from a history spent in physical therapy, and can attest to their effectiveness at releasing deep tension.
Brilliant John, cheers!
So, if I’m a beginner which protocol do I start with? Does it matter if I start with SNAFU, FUBAR, or TARFU? I understand the levels of sophistication with each one – so I’ll be starting with Delta. Also, do you start with one protocol and complete it, then move to the next protocol? I could be on SNAFU Delta level for 28 days, right?
I’ve read the manual, but still not quite sure how to incorporate TACGYM into my other training. So, if I’m doing other strength training during the week, can I still do TACGYM right after those workouts or should I perform TACGYM on recovery days only? The 7×4 monthly program looks like I would doing TACGYM each day except for the High Intensity day.
Sorry for the long questions, but I want to ensure I’m not overtraining which would defeat the purpose of TACGYM. At the same time, if I can perform TACGYM “on top” of my other workouts with out worrying about overtraining, then that would be optimal.
Hi Mike,
I don’t think it matters which protocol you start with, but if I were you, I’d probably start with SNAFU. And yes, I would do SNAFU at delta level for 28 days, then start FUBAR at delta level for 28 days, then TARFU at delta… After that you could restart SNAFU at the next level of sophistication and repeat the process.
You can do TACGYM both on your recovery days and AFTER your strength training sessions as a form of active recovery. Although, HOW you do it will be slightly different. For example, when doing it after a strength training session, you’ll want to manage your exertion level as to not over-fatigue and risk over-training. So, you’ll go slow and easy to work on the recovery benefits, rather than trying to get a substantial conditioning effect.
On the 7×4, you can do TACGYM on the low and moderate intensity days, but you don’t need to. It could be just on low days, or just on moderate days, depending on what other training you are doing. If you already have a strength training routine, then I would do your TACGYM on low days, and your strength training on mod days.
It can definitely be implanted into almost any current strength training routine – just let me know if you have any more specific questions.
Your recommendations make sense. I can now see the number of variations that can be done with TACGYM along with my other training.
I believe your advice is correct: perform TACGYM on my “low” days. I can always adjust the “exertion” to fit my needs. I can also see the benefit of the bodyrolling/archimedes on my mod days to stretch the muscles back out and lubricate the joints. I have many “hotspots” that Scott mentions in the video that I didn’t even know existed.
Thanks much for your recommendations and great interview/review as always.
My pleasure, Mike. Now, get to work on those hotspots! I remember what that was like from my years in physical therapy :)
Awesome interview. Hopefully you can help me within the next 13 hrs.Haha. Quick history of myself. I am @advanced level of Intu Flow,level 3 of Flow Fit and just started 2 15lbers and a 25 lber. I am really impressed from what I know of the Tacgym…..but I am trying to decide if it is really necessary for someone who is just a weekend warrior and who has enough on his plate with existing cst programns.My future is to also do Flow Fit 2 and eventually a 35lber down the road and I do basic vibration drills also. In you’re personal opinion, do you think I have all the basis covered or should I think about purchasing the new program? So sorry to ramble but I’m soooo confused just when I think I have a grip on everything….ahhhh.
Thank You and Sincerly Michael
Hi Michael,
Thanks for the kind words.
You definitely have enough to be working on for the time being. In a way, TACGYM could be considered the next logical step after FlowFit 1 and 2. I would say to only get TACGYM if you’re looking for something else to do for fun, or if you’d like to take advantage of the discount and use the program down the road.
Hi John, thanks for taking the time to do such a comprehensive review of Tacgym. I was really wondering if Tacgym could be combined with other CST conditioning protocols and it’s clear from your replies that Coach Sonnon designed Tacgym exactly with that in mind. What I’m still wondering is whether Tacgym can be safely performed in a small space. I’m hoping to be able to do it at home. Unfortunately, I live in a small 3rd floor apartment, which limits any exercises requiring a lot of space. Definitely no room for cartwheels, somersaults, etc. I do have plenty of room to do prasara flows, flowfit, and other CST bodyweight exercises, although high impact plyometric type jumps are also out being on an upper floor (no high intensity tuck jumps). Does Tacgym sound double in such a space? For those exercises that are higher impact and/or require more space, would there be earlier progressions of those exercises that could be performed in my space? Sorry as I know this is probably a difficult question to answer. I don’t want to miss the sale but I also don’t want to buy Tacgym right now if it would be totally inaccessible to someone who doesn’t have access to a gymnastics or martial arts studio with mats and lots of wide open floor space.
One other question: I’m really interested in the Zdorovye materials that are being rereleased along with Tacgym, especially with the introductory sale. That said, I’m wondering how much overlap there may be with other CST materials since we also have Intuflow, Prasara, and now Tacgym in our CST toolbox. Do you think Zdorovye could be beneficially included in the mix i.e., does it provide unique health or other benefits that these other CST systems don’t or would adding Zdorovye on top of these be possibly getting into the realm of redundancy and diminishing returns. Thanks!
Austin, Texas
P.S. I really appreciated your review of MovNat. I went to one of Erwan’s one day seminars and thought that the CST and MovNat systems compliment each either really well. Thanks again!
Hi Neish,
Thanks for your comment and the kind words.
It’s hard to say if you’ll have enough space or not. I’ve had to train in very small spaces before, and have always done my best to make it work – but I’m an optimist and no stranger to being creative with exercises. Sometimes you need to make small adjustments to the movements or do an easier version, but most of them can be done with minimal space. You probably won’t be doing dive rolls though :-)
Worst case scenario is you purchase the program and find out you’ll need more room. There’s a 60-day money-back guarantee for stuff like that :)
I’m not familiar with the Zdorovye program, but I imagine there is quite a bit of overlap with the other CST materials. I’ve got most of the RMAX library of products, and I’m not going to bother purchasing it. That’s not to say there could be some unique content – just that I don’t know.
I’m so glad you made it out to a MovNat event! There are definitely some congruencies between CST and MovNat, and I’ve been enjoying exploring some possibilities in my own training for the last couple of years. Keep it up!
Hey Neish,
If you can find a nice park with a grassy area, you’d have all the space you could possibly need. There are many small parks near where I live as, like you, I don’t have much space.
Honestly, I love working out outdoors now versus at home or at the gym. It’s just better…I can’t really describe it, but you’ll see for yourself. I do my gymnastic rings, clubbells, etc at the park now, and the weather is nice right about now.
Thank you for such great answers regarding TACGYM and the rest of the TACFIT fleet. You’re a great resource.
And thank you for providing top-notch programs to review!
I love how you can use this on a low day and insert this into other programs with ease. All the recovery/mobility programs with TacGym are top-notch. Notice some differences after doing each one. The Body Rolling program’s combination of yoga and myofascial rolling is genius. Archimendes has done wonders for my hips and hamstrings and the Healing Staff is going to be a huge help for my tight upper back.
I haven’t even messed with the actual TacGym training yet, working on recovery of some preconditions first. This program looks like it will make getting into the body-flow material a lot easier with the progressions. Thanks Scott for the program and to you John for your knowledge. I am looking forward to training with Scott, Alberto, and company next month in Miami. :)
Awesome – glad to hear it Miykael. Keep up the good work and have fun in Miami!
John, thanks for all the insights. I had a specific question, wondered if you had any advice. I’m finding the tacgym rolls really tough to master, because they make me feel nauseous after about six rolls in a row. Any tips on how to conquer this issue? Is annoying me as I feel I’m not making full progress through the various programs within the overall tacgym system. Appreciate any help or tips. Stuart
Hi Stuart,
The first thing that comes to mind is how close your pre-workout meal is. If it’s too close, you may simply be getting sick to your stomach from the motion. So, you can try giving yourself at least an hour or two AFTER a meal before doing a TACGYM workout with rolls. That’s the most likely culprit, but exercise-induced nausea can be triggered from a few things, such as dehydration, low blood sugar (so don’t wait too long after you’ve eaten to train), or overexertion. Two more things you can try while doing the exercise itself are 1) focus on a deep exhale during the roll, and 2) do your best to fix your gaze on the horizon before and after each roll repetition. In other words, don’t allow your eyes to just wander – be deliberate about where you are looking. Good luck!
Thanks John, I will apply your advice. Cheers, Stuart
Hi John
Really enjoy you website and all the work you put in. I am deciding between tacfit and tacgym at the moment (and veering towards the latter). I am restricted for space with my workouts though. Could you advise which would be more suited to those with limited space?
TACGYM does require a bit more space than the other TACFIT products, but there are ways to manage it if you’re willing to be creative. TACFIT Commando is the most space-efficient of all the TACFIT bodyweight programs.
TACFIT Commando
Let me know if you have any further questions.
An excerpt from the TACGYM manuals states: “You are only scored on the lowest complexity level. For example, if you perform 5 laps of Cossacks (Gamma), 4 laps of Crouch rolls (Beta), 3 laps of Crows (Gamma), and 3 laps of Hip Shrimps (Delta), you only score 15 Delta.”
Question: Does this mean I can mix and match levels and exercises? For example, my RPT in SNAFU/D is 8 for three exercises except for Somersault. I’m probably a 6 as I still have to use my arm to assist in getting to the next forward somersault as my hip strength is lacking. Does this mean I can move on to SNAFU/G for all the other exercises?
My initial impression was to complete each mission AND exercise to 8 level RPT before progressing, but after reading the manual again, it appears I can progress to another level after RPT 8 for each exercise. Your advice is greatly appreciated.
My recommendation is to use the highest level exercise you can maintain an RPT of 8+ – even if you mix and match levels each workout.
I think the official TACGYM stance is the same, but I’d have to double-check the manual to be 100% sure.
I am mostly interested in the recovery exercises in this program. It would be cool if Scott provided a purchase option for us who mostly need to recover more than develop our movements.
John, are there any exercises you could recommend other than Intu-Flow to improve not only ROM but releasing deep tension? I found Yamuna’s body rolling book good but it requires a lot of patience; Sonnon’s stuff sounds more interesting.
I think where Scott Sonnon really shines is his systematic approach to fitness. Not many come close to his achievement.
There are many great CST-based programs for recovery out there, Chris.
Intu-Flow is the foundational program, but Prasara yoga is another huge aspect of active recovery. I’d recommend the Prasara Primer for those who are new to yoga and the Prasara “A Series” Instructional DVD for experienced yogis.
You can also look into the RESET program, Ageless Mobility, BodyFlow, and others, too.
Would you suggest doing Commando first to build up basic conditioning before doing TacGym?