Dr. Mike Evans asks, “what is the single best thing you can do for your health?” Obviously, there are tons of factors that contribute to overall health and fitness, but what one thing offers the greatest return on your investment? Here’s a clever video where he outlines his research-based solution…
Pretty revealing, eh? And maybe a touch humbling, too. But we know all this already, right?
The biggest takeaway for me is that there’s a huge difference between doing nothing, and doing something. And this is one of the first baby steps in Physical Living philosophy: do something physically active every single day. In other words, create and follow a daily physical practice. Or to put it mildly, use your body for something other than carting your brain around.
This can be anything: walking, running, hiking, weight lifting, bodyweight exercise, swinging clubbells or kettlebells, recreational sports, or any other of these 100 suggestions to help you disguise exercise.
Just doing something is better than nothing, and doing something that exerts you is will usually yield more benefits than doing something that doesn’t. So, get crackin!
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Health-First Fitness Coach
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P.P.S. Thanks to Todd Hargrove and Chris Highcock for finding this!