Attn: to be published immediately before the end of the world.
It is exactly 12:00pm EST here in New Hampshire right now. And you know what?
The Mayans were RIGHT! It must be the end of the world today. Not only have the now-extinct Mayan race predicted the end of the world to be today, and cleared right on outta here to prepare for the eventuality of doomsday (good thinking on their part, if you ask me), but nothing else will be published on after… today also. Hmm. Now, this could just be a coincidence, right? I think not! It’s highly doubtful anyways. But why didn’t I see this before? The connection is so obvious now. I mean, I can just FEEL the cosmic forces surging through my body!
All kidding aside, it’s been a wonderful year and I’m grateful for the opportunity to share some of the things that have helped me and my clients with you. And I’m especially grateful that you are here, and have been here, and that many of you have stuck with me through the thick of it. But all the gushing aside (hint: back to the real John Sifferman for a moment), if you really thought that today was the end of the world, then tomorrow might as well be because you’re about to get a rude awakening when you wake up tomorrow morning and you realize that the world isn’t over and you’ll have to get back to your life. I know. Terrible, isn’t it? You’ll get over it.
But I know you have a good head on your shoulders and probably don’t buy into all that nonsense. Which is why you know that tomorrow will just be another day, and before long we will begin another year. And it’ll be up to you and I to make it the best year we can. As always, I will be here to help in any way I can, which is why I want to give you a good headstart…
The Best of 2012
Now, since I’m going to be taking a little hiatus from the blog for the holidays, I wanted to post some good’uns to keep you occupied until I return after the New Year. So, here are some of the best posts to grace the archives of in 2012. Most of them are the reader’s choices, but some of them are just my personal favorites. Either way, you’ll have plenty to tide you over for the mean time. I’ve included some of the best how-to’s, definitive guides, Q+A’s, workouts, interviews, reviews, and other tips and strategies to help you get stronger and healthier, and ultimately, live a better, more fulfilling life.
So, without further adieu…
The Top 10 Exercises You Should NEVER Do
25 Reasons Why You’re STILL Not Losing Weight
100 Lessons I’ve Learned From 10 Years Of Running
How to Relieve ANY Type of Stress and Relax Yourself Instantly with this Simple Breathing Trick
Figure Out Exactly How Much Sleep You Need With This Simple Self-Test
A Direct Message To Those Who Proclaim That Exercise Makes You Fatter
10 Things Your Genetics Won’t Do For You
3 Things That The Health And Fitness Gurus Don’t Want You To Know
Body Hacks For a Longer, Better, and Stronger Life
The Holy Grail of High Intensity Interval Training
Interview with Al Kavadlo About Raising The Bar
Interview with Ross Enamait About Achieving a High Standard of Fitness
The Unknown Dangers of So-Called “Fruit” Drinks
The One Thing That 10 Different People All Agree On About Your Potential
A Creationist’s Response to the Primal Lifestyle and Evolutionary Fitness
Sequential Recruitment of Muscle Fibers for Maximum Muscle Gain
Interview with Shane Heins About the Clubbell Flow Evolution
Clubbell Flow Evolution “Tempest Flow” Workout
Clubbell Flow Evolution Workout Session
The Clubbell Flow Evolution Complete Review
Review of the Primal Stress Bodyweight Training Program
Review of the TACFIT Survival Bodyweight Training Program

The Definitive Guide For Transitioning To Barefoot Running
Replace 10 lbs of Fat with 10 lbs of Muscle in 4 Weeks (Free Workout Program)
Recuper8: Prevent Pain and Injury by Restoring Mobility (Free Recovery Program)
Disciplined Training VS Creative Expression (podcast)
My Top 5 Favorite Pull-up and Chin-up Workouts
Interview With The Men Behind TACFIT Firefighter
The TACFIT Firefighter Workout Challenge
Burn Fat, Build Willpower, and Get Healthier With This EASY Walking Program
How to Run Every Single Day For One Year
Behind-the-Doors Look at John Sifferman’s Complete Training Program
Why Doing 3 Sets of 10 Is DEAD
Final Words
Another year come and gone like a flash. It’s impossible to do full justice to all that has happened on Physical Living in 2012 in one blogpost – even with a smorgasbord of links. Needless to say, it’s been a pretty wild ride with adventure lurking around every corner. But if there’s one thing that strikes me about this year, it’s how many messages I’ve received with a quick note of thanks that this simple work has somehow touched a life, and inspired or empowered someone to change in a positive way.
So, thank you – all of you – for tuning in and actually spending some of your precious time listening to my mindless wanderings. It feels good knowing that my insanity and character flaws are of use to you. I’ll keep bringing it, if you’ll keep reading it!
Regardless of what you believe and celebrate this time of year, make the most of it. Do the things that matter most. Live the next few days like they were some of your last. And from the whole Sifferman family, Merry Christmas and have a happy New Year!
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Health-First Fitness Coach
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