The Clubbell Mass Evolution is the premier clubbell-based, muscle building program. There are other clubbell training programs out there, but this is the first one that is exclusively for building lean muscle mass.

The Clubbell Mass Evolution was created by CST Head Coach, Shane Heins. I met Shane at a CST Certification seminar in 2009 and was impressed with his passion and knowledge. Don’t let the down-to-earth, “nice guy” shtick fool you. Shane is hardcore, but he balances that intensity with a sophisticated and intelligent approach in training. Shane walks the talk in his own training, and is a superb coach. He trains clients one-on-one, in small groups, and leads TACFIT group fitness classes in and around the Vancouver, BC area.
Shane claims that the Clubbell Mass Evolution (CME) will help you transform your body through the building of lean muscle tissue. He’s also very transparent about the results you should expect. This is not a maximal hypertrophy program that could pass for bodybuilding training. This is a program for developing functional, athletic muscle – a “hard body” physique, rather than a bodybuilder’s physique.
What’s makes the CME unique is the three dimensional nature of training with clubbells, and the development of strength through full ranges of complex movements. This is a systemic mass building program that is far superior to any bodybuilding, isolation, or split routine for the purposes of functional hypertrophy. You aren’t just training individual muscle groups, but stimulating the entire body to add muscle, which is how our physiology works. Not only that, but the entire program is periodized to have you progress from simple to complex movements while cycling training variables in order to maximize the potential muscle gain. The CME program is extremely well laid out and can be adapted and used by anyone with clubbells and a desire to pack on some functional muscle.
John’s Results From Using the Clubbell Mass Evolution
I’ve been using clubbells since 2006 and have tried several different clubbell training programs since. Although, this is only the second time I’ve ever used clubbells with the purpose of building muscle (the first was a self-designed program). Shane is a personal friend of mine and offered to let me beta-test the CME this past summer. I followed it for 6 weeks, completing half of the total training program.
In that time, I gained 8 lbs of scale weight and visibly decreased my bodyfat percentage (I would estimate between 1-2% lost, but I didn’t bother with measurements). This means I gained at least 8 lbs of lean body mass, and probably more like 10-12 if you account for the simultaneous fat loss. I noticed visual muscular development throughout my entire body, but mostly in the arms, shoulders, back, and thighs. Also of note, the decrease in bodyfat contributed to a slightly leaner midsection, too.
Anyone who knows anything about changes in body composition will quickly realize that these are exceptionally good results. In our culture, we are bombarded with messages from the media, diet products, and supplement companies that it’s easy to build muscle. This is simply not the truth. Muscle building is a very challenging goal to achieve. Consistently gaining a pound of muscle (approx .5 kg) in one weeks time is generally considered excellent progress. Although, most people usually experience slightly less than that. The fact that I gained at least 8 lbs of muscle in 6 weeks time is remarkable, and is proof enough for me that this program fulfills its claims. Had I completed the entire 3 month program, I’m sure my gains would have continued.
Obviously, genetics and nutrition determine how much muscle you can gain on any training program, but I wouldn’t hesitate to tell anyone that they can build an appreciable amount of lean body mass using the CME program.
CME Program Pro’s
Perhaps too obvious to state, the first advantage of the CME program is that it works. It fulfills its claims, and that’s a rare thing these days, especially when it comes to muscle gain products. If you’ve got clubbells, you too can gain a significant amount of muscle if you follow the program exactly as outlined. Along with that major advantage, here are several other things that I noticed now that I’ve reviewed the product itself.
When you order the package, it comes with an introductory video that offers an excellent overview of intuitive training. This is a pivotal key in the Circular Strength Training (CST) system and a valuable asset to understand when following the CME program. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to measure and track your rating of perceived discomfort/pain, technique/form, and exertion/effort.
Also in that introductory video is a detailed description of the 7 Key Components of Structure when training with clubbells. You will learn exactly how to break down complex movement skills into basic components to simplify the learning experience and develop a broad skill set for effectively applying strength with efficiency. Shane covers grip confirmation, elbow lock, shoulder pack, spinal alignment, core activation, hip recruitment (aka hip snap), and leg drive. This is a great overview for people whom are not already familiar with the CST system, and a good review for those who are. This leads me to another point.
You don’t need to be familiar with CST in order to use the Clubbell Mass Evolution. This is actually a good introduction to CST, but it’ll work for anyone – from complete beginners (even if you just bought clubbells), to seasoned CST athletes. You’ll learn three different training splits to help you customize your training schedule: the 4×7 model, the week long 7×4 model, and a 3/week training schedule.
Even if you’re already an accomplished clubbell athlete, you’ll still benefit from the CME program. This is a template for using clubbell training for a muscle building goal, and it’s also quite challenging (but remember, YOU create the level of challenge that you’re comfortable with by using CST’s Intuitive Training Protocol).
Now, I’ve got a lot of experience with clubbells, and am no stranger to high intensity training. Even after some hefty accomplishments, such as scoring 288 points in the 2009 Cross World Clubbell Competition, and a 14:32 Trial By Fire time at the 2009 CST Seminar, I still found the CME extremely challenging. I hate to admit it, but I recall cursing Shane under my breath when I first started the second month because of how hard it was. I’m not proud of it buddy, but it’s the truth. And now my character flaw can be used to reveal that even an expert will be well-challenged from this program.
The CME is also very simple to follow. It’s plug and play, and there is no guesswork involved. You just follow the program and do the work when you’re supposed to. No need to figure anything out or customize your program. It’s action-oriented.
In the same vein, there is actually an action guide included with the program materials that I think could be immensely valuable to those who would take it seriously. Basically, Shane walks you through a mental exercise where you create positive affirmations in order to tune into your inner desires and visualize them before and during your training sessions. This is not just hippy mumbo-jumbo, but based on science and success psychology. This is literally tapping into the power of mind-body exercise and can have life-changing implications if you apply it. This is a strategy for success that you can use and apply to any life goal or desire, and it puts it into a succint, action-based format that anyone can use to internalize the process of your own life transformation. Again, it’s just plug and play – nothing mystical or mysterious. Shane walks you through everything.
Another major advantage of the CME is the activity-specific warmups and cooldowns. CME uses Intu-flow joint mobility exercises and Prasara yoga poses to prepare the body for the training and to maximize your recovery afterwards. I found that spending extra time addressing the Prasara holds resulted in significantly less muscle soreness, making it almost unnoticeable in the days following training. Even after a brutally hard session, there were some cases that I actually finished the workout feeling better than when I started.
The last major advantage of the Clubbell Mass Evolution, is that there are several brand new clubbell exercises for mass building. Shane has put together some hot-off-the-press movements for specifically targeting muscle growth. You can’t find these exercises anywhere else. They’re brand-spanking new!
CME Program Cons
I really cannot find any legitimate disadvantages with this program. Sure, I can think of a few ways that I might improve the product itself, but it really doesn’t need anything at all. To be fair, the file downloads could have been organized a little better. They’re not in compressed folders ready for download, so it takes awhile with all the sorting involved. The manual’s could have been more educational. But honestly, that’s not what this program was meant for. It’s plug and play. Just do the work. I really can’t complain.
A Note on Professionalism
The Clubbell Mass Evolution is, without question, one of the highest quality products and best values that I’ve seen in awhile. There are a LOT of low-budget fitness products out there. I’ve reviewed some of them here on Physical Living, but this isn’t one of them. Something you might not know about Shane unless someone told you is that he’s very calculative in nature. He’s big on planning and getting everything just right. Perfection is his goal.
As one would expect, explicit attention to detail has been paid to every aspect of this product. Shane even hired a professional film crew and went above-and-beyond the status quo in terms of professionalism and overall product quality. I challenge you to find a fault with this program.
The CME is so good that it leaves me wishing there was more. But the cool thing is that this program was designed to be repeated. The program design was written so that once you’ve completed the full three months, you can start the cycle over again to continue your muscle gains throughout the year.
It should also be noted that this is Shane’s FIRST product release. If we can expect programs of this caliber in the future, then I’m definitely looking forward to the next one.
Who is this product best-suited for?
That’s an easy one. If you have clubbells (or would like some) and have a desire to pack on a significant amount of lean muscle, then you need to buy the Clubbell Mass Evolution. Pick up your copy at the official site here
Click Here to Order the Clubbell Mass Evolution
*Don’t miss out on the launch week discount and bonuses – expiring 12/24 at midnight!
If you found this article helpful, please share it with your friends and tweeps:
Fitness Professional
Certified Clubbell Instructor
P.S. If you’d like to have a look at an actual Clubbell Mass Evolution workout, then check out the video here:
The Clubbell Mass Evolution Lower Body Workout
P.P.S. Also available is an excellent interview I did with Shane Heins all about building muscle with clubbell training:
Interview with Shane Heins About Clubbell Training For Building Muscle
Just out of curiosity, I have purchased CME last night, however i’m not quite sure which of the three schedules is best to follow. Is there a general rule-of-thumb on whether or not you should follow the 4×7 or the 7×4?
Hi Nathan,
Good question. The best schedule is the one that you can follow consistently.
That said, if you are able to commit to any of the three options, then the 4×7 will likely be the most effective. I used the 3/week format while testing and still got remarkable results, though. The 7×4 is setup for those who would like to wave their intensity, but want something a little more conducive for their weekly schedule.
It’s really a matter of personal choice – all three options will work to varying degrees.
Haha, jeez, speedy response my friend! Well, I suppose I will try the 4×7, I’m merely a senior in highschool with a par-time job so my schedule is not too hectic. I’m sure I can manage it! Well, cheers man! Thanks for the knowledge my friend.
No problem, Nathan!
After such a thorough and positive review, I had to purchase CME. I am looking forward to putting it to the test after the New Years.
Thanks again, John, for your honest and comprehensive reviews.
My pleasure, Jonathan. Glad you found something for the New Year!
Finally downloaded all the vids today! Like your review, my only very small complaint is all the files you have to download. The instruction, material, and program look top-notch and I think it is a great introduction to Clubbells(+CST).
8lbs of lean mass in 6 weeks is impressive and I have a feeling 3 months could deliver massive results if one does the work + nutrition. Think your review covered it well, especially since you speak with experience of putting the program through its paces.
I just got to get a 35lber and I am ready to go :)
Awesome Miykael – you’ll love it!
Yes, I was quite surprised with the results, especially since I already had a good base. I consider anything over 1/2 lb per week as good progress – exceptional for someone with a good bit of LBM already.
Impressive results, and a helpful review. Did you change your diet at all? Had you been that muscular/heavy before or is this a new personal record?
Thanks Duff. It’s not a record. I was my heaviest back in 2005 after following a bodybuilding style routine for 9 months – gaining 22 lbs, which put me at 172 lbs.
I went from 162 to 170 lbs on this program – the heaviest I’ve been since 2005. I usually hover between 155-165 depending on my training and how well fed I am, but I don’t really concern myself with the actual number, nor do I weigh myself often. I don’t even have a scale. In fact, the only reason I checked my weight at all is to give Shane some feedback.
I didn’t make any notable changes to my nutritional approach with the exception of increasing overall food intake. I noticed a marked increase in hunger once on this program, and I always let my appetite dictate how much I eat. I try not to over-complicate it. I already have some good nutritional habits developed that help with muscle building goals (ie good post workout nutrition, plenty of animal-based protein, etc.). I don’t count calories, measure macro’s, or do much strategic planning for nutrition. The food habits cover my bases, and I let my results be my guide.
Cool–thanks for the feedback, John! I imagine the muscle feels different on a clubbell mass program versus a conventional barbell and dumbbell program.
The reason I ask is that I’m currently within 5 lbs of the heaviest I’ve been and I assume building muscle above that will be much more slow and steady. I’ve always been very ectomorphic but am excited about the possibility of mass gain through CST.
Very different for sure. That 9 month bout of bodybuilding was mostly done with barbell and dumbbell training. We’re talking authentic bodybuilding-style split routine right out of Flex magazine. I packed on the muscle, but it left me muscle bound and immobile. I didn’t like how much the extra weight impacted my movement, so I never pursued it any further.
On the flip side, any time I’ve built muscle with CST as my foundation, I’ve avoided those problems entirely.
It’s true that the more muscle you build, the slower your gains will be. We all have a unique genetic potential, and the closer we come to reaching our peak, the harder it gets. Good luck with the muscle gain, Duff!
John! 8 lbs in 6 weeks is great progress. And my man, what a review! I have always respected and seek out your reviews, because you are so thorough and despite our being friends, knew you would come at this with an unbiased and honest opinion of what you thought (and the con’s have been duly noted;)
Again, very much appreciated!
It’s truly my pleasure, Shane. You’ve produced an excellent program, and it’s a perfect fit for my readers with muscular aspirations :)
Nice review John.
I bought this too… looking forward to plugging it in after I finish with these CST seminars in February.
I’m currently managing to put on muscle at a rate I don’t think I have ever experience (I think my body has finally made the switch from catabolism to anabolism at the cellular level due to my nutritional balancing program)… getting about 0.5 or more kg per week which is incredible.
I am now the heaviest I have been in 5 years after finishing a TBF cycle and now working through TACFIT A-F protocols and not too far off being the heaviest I have ever been. I plan to use this program to get above 80kg next year which is significantly heavier than I have ever been in my life.
Getting excited about going deep with the clubbells and using my full pro gym.
Very cool, Damien. Tapping into your body’s ability to pack on muscle for the first time is very exciting, especially after struggling to get it just right for awhile. If you do get your nutrition on track in time for February, then the results will just pour in.
Hi John!
Awesome results! And really good review! Mind map to organize files is almost ready ;-)
Thanks Henri! I had to create a network of folders to organize all of the files as well – that’s what took the longest.
Hi John, this may sound trivial compared to the main intention of this program but is there anything new or different in the Prasara or IF aspects (warmup and cooldown) of CME? Thanks!
Good question, and I’m not sure I can tell you off the top of my head. I know that there were a few things that were new to me, but even those may be shared with other TACFIT products that I’m just not familiar with. Let me get Shane in here, to answer that for you, Priyam.
Thanks, John… Happy Holidays to you!!
Hi Priyam,
If you’ve got GMB’s materials already, the recovery package will be the same except the flows (and we offered the GMB package as a bonus, because it was anticipated that there would be a large number who haven’t worked with their materials, which has turned out to in fact be reality).
Bit the flows are unique. They actually created the flows specific to release the work done with CBME. And they are the best at what they do :)
Hope all is well!
Hey that’s great, Shane! I’m sure you have well designed compensation flows. I was only curious if they were new or different since I have a lot of CST programs now (many the Tacfits & plugins for example). If the flows are unique, that sounds great to me!
Thanks for your reply and wishing you super Holidays!
Thanks Henri! I had to create a network of folders to organize all of the files as well – that’s what took the longest.
I’m been trying to lose fat for the longest time now and I think it’s time to try gaining some muscle before going back to a cutting phase. Sadly, I only have 5 lbs clubbells and I can’t invest in other ones for now, so I guess it will have to wait, but I bought the CBME anyway so that I can start the moment I have the clubbells.
Thanks for such a great review!
My pleasure, Alan. In the mean time, you can still learn and practice the movements in the CME – there are a lot of exercises and some are brand new.
Hi Shane or John. I have one more important question please: I only have a pair of large wooden clubs that are around 6.5 kg (approx 14.3 lbs). Long story but I live in a remote area without access to equipment or a gym. And, although I can have clubs made, they are wooden & therefore very large size already even at lower weight. So my question is do you think that I can still perform the CME program with what I have? Thank you!!
Hi Priyam,
Sorry for the delayed response. I signed off for the holiday before I had a chance to see this.
It really depends on how big the clubs are and what shape they are, but assuming they’re a manageable size…
If I were you, and looking for a club swinging program for building muscle, I’d probably just use what I’ve got and find a way to make it work. You may not be able to do all of the exercises exactly as outlined, but there’s no reason you couldn’t do some of them and make some modifications to those that are trickier. Obviously, clubbells would be the best training tool for this program, but that doesn’t mean you can’t improvise to get some of the benefits. That’s just me though, and I’m an action-oriented guy – do what I can with what I’ve got.
Hope that helps!
No problem, John. I got some help from Shane via email in the meantime. We came to the same conclusion that you did and so I jumped on board to pick up CME. It looks awesome and I can’t wait to give it a try! Shane feels that I can mostly do the first two cycles and the majority of the exercises in them.
Thanks for all your help!
Ordered a Bruiser JR. Looking forward to start next month! Ready to evolve and put on mass.
Awesome – that’s one weight I wish I had in the beginning!
Bought the JR, but I think some exercises it seems a bit too heavy. Kind of wish I had a 25 for them. Any suggestions on how to build up strength in the next month to start the program properly? Not sure if I want to spend more money on a 25, although I am sure I would put it too use eventually.
“a bit too heavy” sounds different than being unmanageable. For the CME, you want to be using the most challenging weight that you can apply effective technique with. It should feel heavy, but not unmanageable. Have you tried choking up all the way on the grip? That will be the easiest way to solve the problem, but it may not be enough for some exercises. In that case, it may be necessary to either simplify the exercise to more basic components until you can practice effectively. Or, you can drop down to a lighter weight – whether a 25 lb CB or lighter. If that isn’t possible, then Shane may be able to offer you some advice on how to alter the program based on your Clubbell weight availability (ie adjusting sets/reps/etc).
I might do another program for a month and maybe do a split of light strength work in the morning to work on skills with the 35 while I continue spetsnaz. I am also pondering just working with the 35 for a few weeks then start CME . I will experiment with the choke grip as well.
One great benefit of the 35 is it really opened up my upper back just doing some Gama casts! Felt some nice pops and releases.
I might get a 25 still to have since I can eventually work up to single-handed work with it as well.
I saw your note about buying the 25 pounder. That’s definitely the best choice – enjoy!
hi john,
i really enjoy your site and your insightful and detailed reviews–
i have a question for you in regards to CST training–i have never done it,
i am very interested in trying it and am wondering what CST course you would recommend for a beginner in my situation? i am 60 (probably a bit older than your average reader)in good condition with a solid ashtanga yoga practice, started tacfit commando five months ago and have been steadily working my way through it–as an aside i not only love the joint mobility work but at my age its crucial to avoid injury–
i like what iread about the cme program but am wondering if that is the best place to start?
thanks john–
Hi Chip,
Thanks for the kind words.
If you’ve been doing TACFIT Commando, then you’re doing CST. The TACFIT line of products are all based on the CST system, so you’re already getting a taste of it, but there’s a lot more out there.
There are a lot of places you could start to explore CST in a deeper way. You mentioned that you love the joint mobility stuff, so Intu-flow would be right up your alley. I recommend the Intu-Flow program to everyone with any interest in CST because it’s the foundational program of the entire system. It’s also one of the highest-valued programs in the entire CST library of products, in my opinion. I’ve been doing a daily Intu-Flow session since 2006, and as far as I can tell, this will continue to be a lifelong practice.
With your background in Ashtanga, I bet you would also enjoy the Prasara yoga materials, too. If I were you, I would purchase the Prasara book to learn the philosophy behind it. The accompanying Prasara Instructional DVD is also good, but I think the Prasara Primer is a better overall product – if you were to decide between the two.
There’s a long list of CST products, and most of them are excellent. You really can’t go wrong if you’re at least a little interested in the subject matter. Let me know if you have any further questions, and thanks for reading!
yeah the 25er will rock. What I like about it , is that it is a good place to start with the more advanced two-handed moves (especially presses/leverage holds) and I can later work up to doing the burly single-handed work with it. Eventually will get another 25 when I am that point too.
I second the recommendation of Prasara Primer as an introduction to Prasara and being the best for the buck. Although the Prasara Book and Prasara Instructional are excellent, I feel they are more advanced and would work better after you have the learned the flows in the Primer. Plus with the Primer you have 3 different levels per flow and free access to future updates.
This reminds me to get to work on the Primer as well, been slacking with the Prasara. I need to work on opening up hips, upper-back, and tight ankles right now. Then I will be able to really do these flows smoothly.
Any insight when Shane is adding the nutritional guide to the cbme site?
hi john,
thanks for your response. i guess what had me confused was that i thought CST was a system based on intu-flow, clubbells and prasara yoga–and that there was a course similar to tacfit that a beginner to CST could follow? i am interested interested in learning how to use clubbells for strength (lean muscle–i am not looking to add 8 -10 pounds of muscle0 and joint stability–is there a particular clubbell program that you would recommend for that?
thanks again for all your insight and good work,
It is a little confusing, Chip. You’re right that CST is composed of the 3 wings (IF, CB’s, and PY). However, TACFIT is based on the CST system.
Based on your description, it sounds like the CST Gx Program might be what you’re looking for. It’s an introductory program to both CST and clubbell training.
Hi All! Some great questions and John (was there any doubt) has been answering them splendidly, which is why I haven’t felt the need to come in and add anything extra. But Nathan, saw your question, just wanted to let you know that the nutrition guide and mobile device vid formats will be released this weekend. Details will go out to everyone on the CBME list.
Was keeping it a surprise, so you guys are actually the first “in the know”. ;)
Look forward to hearing more about your results and experiences with the program!
hi john,
thanks for the info CSTGX–i’ve been looking all over the beginning cst site and thanks to you i’ve now found it–looking forward to getting started–
thanks again,
What are your workouts like now? Are you doing CST w/club bell only routines, do you still use kettlebells, are you doing any olympic lifting, bodyweight, barbells,sandbags, Tacfit etc.? Are you doing any Movnat?
In your videos I don’t see a bench or a power rack so I’m assuming the Barbell is for Olympic lifts only. Or is it a relic from your past training life?
I’ve grown to like kettlebells more than barbells and outside training with sled, ropes and my TRX more than inside training. I’m considering dropping barbell based Olympic lifts, presses and rows entirely from my workout but am concerned I’ll lose power strength. What is your experience with this?
Forgot to add that I started incorporating Clubbells into my workouts last week. So far its been challenging. I’m surprised how quickly I’ve adapted to some of the movements. The 35lb club is still a beast for me though.
Thanks to your wonderful site I am in a bit of a dilemma! I’ve used your kettlebell buyer’s guide to narrow down which ones I wanted and then I saw this article and it got me thinking… (btw I already have one 35lb kettlebell that I LOVE doing swings and TGU’s with. It has REALLY helped with my lower back pain.)
I am essentially untrained. Only “resistance” I’ve ever worked with is a 10 oz tennis racquet in my right hand. Believe it or not, that has led to my right side being considerably larger, even with that little of weight! Getting back to the point, I really want to gain some muscle. I am male, 5′ 10″ tall, weigh roughly 150 pounds and I am 22 years old. I was going to buy the Mike Mahler “Size and Strength” DVD and two of the competition style kettlebells you recommended to start off (35 pounders).
Crunching prices, the clubbells (assuming your recommended starting weight of 15lbs) will be $156. Getting two 35 lb Perform Better kettlebells literally comes out to the exact same amount! Then add in the Mike Mahler DVD I wanted and the total would be roughly $200. Getting the clubbells and Shane’s program would put me a little higher at roughly $220. Considering my untrained state (a tabula rasa if you will) which do you believe would be a better course for me?
Cliff Notes
*Male, 22, 5′ 10″, 150 pounds
*Kettlebells and DVD $200
*Clubbells and Shane’s program $220
*Really want to put on muscle
(I apologize for the extremely long message but it is your own fault since you offer so much information! ;)
I took so long to write that I forgot my original question and inserted an assumption into the original post. Do I only need the two 15lbs clubbells to get started with Shane’s program, or do I need more than that?
I want to get started the using clubbells and wondered which program dvd you would recommend.
Hey Brandon,
Shane recommends the following (From the program’s site)……
If you’re just starting out and don’t have much experience with strength training in general:
* Men – 1 pair of 10 lbs and a single 20 lbs
* Women – 1 pair of 5 lbs and a single 10 lbs
If you exercise fairly regularly (at least 3 times a week) and have some experience with strength training:
* Men – 1 pair of 15 lbs and a single 25 lbs
* Women – 1 pair of 5 lbs and a single 15 lbs
If you’re an advanced athlete with a lot of strength training experience:
* Men – 1 pair of 15 lbs and a single 35 lbs
* Women – 1 pair of 10 lbs and a single 20 lbs
I suppose the Nutritional Guideline got sidelined… =/ Shane’s almost 2 weeks past due when he said! haha :P
Haha! You got me Nathan. Dang. I thought anywhere I’d answered I’d just said January. Though mid January was my original intention, it needed to get postponed (not sidelined completely), as things have been a little nuts on this end. But have gotten back to it this week. Just going over the final edit, should be ready to go by this weekend.
Thanks for your patience. :-)
Haha, thanks brother. Been postponing using the exercises til’ i get the nutritional guide, simply because I’m 18 an in the “extremely fast metabolism” phase. Haha. No matter what I eat I burn it off and I eat like a cow. 5’11” and only weigh 113-116…doc says I’m under weight hence my goal of gaining muscle from your program. :P Not to mention my wrists are exceedingly small for a guy, wanna get some bulk around em’ if possible.
I plan on getting myself a macebell in addition to 2 15lb clubells and a 35 lb clubbell. Do you know if there is any particular way i can intergrate the macebell to this program? with a brutal tool like the macebell im sure it would be a great fit for a mass program like this.
Hi Madison,
You’ll have everything you need for the CME program with the 15’s and 35 lb clubbells, but the macebell could be substituted for a couple of exercises if you wanted. I’d recommend you contact Shane Heins himself, to see what he recommends.
Hi John,
I’m new to CST and am loving the reviews and helpful advise you keep offering up here.
I’ve begun TACFIT commando to improve my general fitness but am trying to decide between TACFIT mass Assault and Shane’s CME to cycle for mass building.
Any advice on which way to go?
Hi Craig,
Thanks for reading! Both programs will do the job, but I’ve only reviewed CME, not TFMA. I think it comes down to your preferred training tool: clubbells vs dumbbells. And I may be wrong, but my first impressions when TFMA came out was that it was a rather short program.
They’re about the same price, but I think you may get more total value out of CME, especially since Shane has continued adding things to the package since its debut.
Thanks John,
While i’ve had good results with compound exercise barbell & dumbbell programs in the past I think I’ll try CME because I’ve never done a clubbell orientated program.
One more question. How much of CME incorporates full overhead extension? With my ceiling height I can get away with something like a head cast or high swing but not a torch press.
Hi Craig,
I have CBME on John’s recommendation, and I also have 9ft ceilings. I’d say overhead pressing like the torch press constitutes 1/6th or less of the total movements. I’ve also found that I can do torch presses from a kneeling position and get the benefits of the exercise without poking a hole in my upstairs neighbors’ floor. :)
Thanks Duff,
Looks like Clubbell Mass Evolution it is.
Hi there,
I am finishing a program based on Body for Life with good sucess so far, losing ca. 20-25 pounds over the last 3 months and now looking to followup with some clubbell stuff. Still have some 20 pounds or so to get rid off.. but would you think this program be suitable to the task?
Hi Hex,
I would say it’s suitable, yes, but not optimal. This program was created specifically for muscle building, and so that is likely what you’ll experience. I also dropped some bodyfat while following it, but the muscle gain was more pronounced.
You might be better served by Shane’s newer program, the Clubbell Hero Evolution – which is more suitable for fat loss purposes. My first impressions of the program are here:
Thanks a lot! I would go for it. Now need to get some clubbells.. according to the recommendations I would be getting the 15p/25p combo… but here in the EU they come in Kg (even the rmax approved ones)… so it is 6Kg or 8Kg for the “light” pair… I am thinking rather to go with the 8Kg as long term they might last longer.. thats ca. 17.5 pounds vs 13.2 pounds for the 6Kg.
Would you see a problem with that? I am new to CB swinging, but have been training over the last months with free weights. To have an idea where I am can handle Dumbells in 8 to 16 Kg per hand for shoulder press, 40-60 kg for Benchpress, 60-80 Kg for back seated rowing, etc.
Yeah, I’d go with the 8 kg CB’s – you’ll get more mileage out of them long term. They will definitely be more challenging in the beginning, but you’ll adapt quickly. Enjoy!
This review and the comments have been very helpful as I work through the program. I bought a pair of 15 and a single 25 pound bell and think I may have gotten to heavy a set, but since I finally found a type of weight training I actually don’t find boring, I think I will tolerate the minor aches and pains as they come and go.
I took a couple of sessions with a local CST coach to make sure i had the technique right and what I am finding is that undoing the round, stooped shoulder posture from 14 years of 10 hours a day at a desk is really proving very difficult. I have developed muscles on my back I have not ever seen before. There is also a little battle of aches and pains throughout my entire back that stem from my trapezius down to my mid back region. No lower back pain at all :) though, and I take this as a good sign that I am working the technique right.
Do you know if it is common to experience some muscle aches and pains coming into this form of strength training as part of the reconstruction of the physique? I do daily head to toe intu-flow and always do the cool-downs. I’m 43 and prior to starting CBME was working out using bodyweight exercises etc for several months ramping up to this system.
Any thoughts on what is normal level of day-after workout aches would be greatly appreciated. I should state that I do not experience pain doing the exercises, only some discomfort here and there. The hardest part for me is concentrating on the silverback posture, and the breathing. Which are the slowest developing aspects.
Hi Sam,
I’m sorry I didn’t see this sooner. It is normal for some aches and pains to surface whenever trying a new training program, and especially with clubbell training, which typically involves large range of motion exercises. These are usually not caused directly by the training (if you’re training properly, that is), but are usually pre-existing issues that were uncovered through a new training stimulus.
As long as you are only experiencing minor discomfort – not pain – then you should be fine. But take notes and log your aches and pains in a training journal so that you know what you need to work on in the future.
Good luck!
I have no experience of club bells, but I am eager to learn.
Has several goals, one is that I should be able to do five handstand pushups without the help of the wall. Therefore, I want to build strong shoulders in a safe manner. But also a strong core and body. I’m tall and slim and want some muscle mass.
Can you advise me which DVD is best for me to start with, to help me reach my goal (for a beginner)?
CME or any of Scott Sonnon DVDs?
Hi Peder,
There’s a lot of places I could point you, and you could develop great basic strength and conditioning from either Shane’s or Scott’s programs.
But I’ve got something even better that will help you achieve all those goals you mentioned. The Gold Medal Bodies Floor 1 Program (by CST Pro’s Ryan Hurst, Jarlo Ilano, and Andy Fosset) would be an absolute perfect match for your goals.
It’s chock-full of full body exercises – most of which involve core strength and require no equipment at all. It’s perfect for building a base of functional muscle mass and will not only teach you exactly how to do handstand pushups, but also how to build up to them with some beginner and intermediate level variations.
Hi John!
This was a really good tip, i allready follow Mark Laurens bodyweight-program, and this looks like even more fun.
But, i stil would like to workout with some clubbells. Are both Shanes och Scotts programs good for a beginner?
Another thing. A day ago, when i bought a pair of clubbells, the seller told me you wont build musclemass with clubbells, only strenght. That was confusing!
Whoever was selling you those clubbells apparently doesn’t know how to use them for hypertrophy :-)
If you’re looking for a good beginner program for muscle mass using clubbells, then Shane’s Clubbell Mass Evolution fits the bill perfectly.
Ok, i will try it out.
Many thanks!
And thanks for a great website.
Boy did I ever uncover some pre-existing issues. Issues sever enough to merit having to learn the mattes method of Active Isolated Stretching and the fine art of trigger point release using lacrosse balls to recover. But this is all part of the process. I am back on the stick with clubbell mass evolution and flow fit and other CST things and felling stronger than ever.
To the person who asked about mass, I can only respond with my own experience, I was one month into the CBME and had put on considerable visible muscle mass, I mean like four or five pounds, being six feet and 150, that’s a huge increase. All of this gain of course was all without creatines or wheys or any of that stuff, just good food, regular practice and good technique.
My injury took me out for two months and i haven’t lost one bit of that mass I gained, not one bit. But more importantly, the benefit to my kinetic chain is unreal, I play tennis and play about five different musical instruments, through intu-flow, CBME, Flow Fit and some of the other things I have learned and practice through CST, all of those activities have improved immensely. I hope your not just getting into CST for Mass, there is a whole world of benefit beyond size to this. Take it from a middle aged person like me, skinny guy’s last longer and look better in wheelchairs :)
Glad to hear it, Sam. Keep up the good work, and keep enjoying the benefits of health-first fitness :)
Thanks sam!
I guess you mean me… ive done a little research and CBME sounds like its for me.
Ive never liked going to the gym and swinging the clubs at home feels right.
now i gotta learn to swing it with som good movements too =)
I worked with a CS instructor who was familiar with the CBME program and had him monitor me for one instance of each of the programs modules to correct my form. Invaluable addition to the CBME program. Hopefully there is a CST Coach near you who can do the same.
Hi John-
I’m a female that just started working with clubbells following Scott’s Tacfit Barbarian King of Clubs routine. I ordered pair of 10 pounds of bells and so far the program is only using single 10lb. I am interested in getting the CME in a few months and my question is do I have to order pair of 5lbs and 15lbs as suggested? I feel a nice little workout with the 10lbs and can get through 2 circuits in Scotts program without any discomfort. I don’t feel any exertion or feel like im struggling. I do not know how intense CME is so I am not sure how much i need to scale it down ot keep working with my 10lbs. Any thoughts would be appreciated :)