Christopher McDougall on Barefoot Running at Google
The first 30 minutes is the presentation, and the next 30 are Q+A. Chris shares some real gems in here, and I highly recommend his book:
Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen
Ted McDonald on Going Barefoot at Google
I haven’t watched this one yet, but I’ve spoken with Ted several times and I know this presentation will be worth its weight in gold.
Do you go barefoot? Answer the survey here:
To your health and success,
Fitness Professional
Good vids. Thanks John. I will buy the book very soon!
I’m just confused. How something so “natural” has to be learned. Like they said at the end of the first video, that people have to “re-learn” what is considered to be the natural way of running.
I do have a question: I noticed that when I run up the stairs or run, I tend to be more front-footer… what if we use the technique but with regular shoes? is that the same?
Natural doesn’t necessarily imply optimal…
see here: