A comprehensive review of my experience in the MovNat Certification Program, the world’s best movement-based fitness method – including what I liked and didn’t like, my biggest lessons and takeaways, the amazing results I’ve achieved in the last few years, and the 3 types of people I think MovNat is perfect for.

By John Sifferman, MovNat Master Trainer
If you’re thinking about attending a MovNat Certification, but you’re not sure if it will be a good fit for your unique needs, goals, and circumstances (not to mention your budget), this review will hopefully help you figure out if this program would be right for you.
I attended the MovNat Level 1 Certification a few years ago and loved it so much that I returned for the Level 2 certification later that year and Level 3 the following year. I had an outstanding experience at each one, and I want you to know not just what I think about it, but also what I WISH I knew before I got into the thick of it. Because there’s so much more to these certifications than meets the eye.
In this MovNat Certification review, you’ll learn:
- A little about MovNat and why I prefer it over other movement-based fitness methods
- Highlights and takeaways from my experience at the MovNat Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 Certifications
- What I liked and didn’t like about these events
- The main benefits and results I’ve experienced personally
- Who I think MovNat Certifications are best suited for
If you just want to know what the events were like, feel free to scroll down. I’ve broken down some of my commentary into sections for Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3, respectively. But before we get there, I wanted to share a little context so you can learn more about who I am and what the MovNat certification is all about on a deeper level. I think it’ll really help you decide if MovNat courses would be right for you, if you know where I’m coming from and what kind of results I’ve experienced firsthand.
What is MovNat? (in my own words)
“MovNat is to fitness what organic is to food.”
You can read a whole lot about MovNat at their website, and get a good taste of what their certifications are like from their videos. But how would I describe it to a friend if they asked me, “what’s with all that weird movement stuff you’ve been up to, John?”
In a nutshell, I would describe MovNat as a comprehensive system for teaching anyone – regardless of their age, fitness level, or ability – how to move the way our body’s are designed. Everything from extremely rudimentary skills like breathing and how to get up and down from the ground (and even how to sit on the ground) to advanced climbing and vaulting movements (e.g. muscle ups, inverted vaults, etc.). And everything in between: crawling, walking, running, lifting, carrying, throwing, catching, balancing, jumping, climbing, swimming, combatives, etc. You know…human movements. There are hundreds of natural movements codified into the official MovNat curriculum, and thousands of variations.
The primary goal of the method is to help you develop the movement skills (or “competence”) and fitness/conditioning (or “capacity”) necessary to be CAPABLE for the real world (i.e. the natural environments and situations we may find ourselves in). But it’s not just a bunch of random natural movements thrown together. It’s a meticulously organized system for helping you increase your movement abilities “from the ground up.”
I’ve found MovNat to be a method that works for EVERYONE, and I’ve witnessed how applicable and effective it is for children, adults, and the elderly; couch potatoes, weekend warriors, and elite trainees alike. It can supplement your exercise program, be used as your primary exercise program, or be integrated into your everyday life so that you don’t even realize your exercising because you’re just using your body the way it is meant to be used. It’s a very flexible method that can be adapted to meet your own needs and goals, rather than a “cookie-cutter” program that confines you. This is really unique because many modern fitness methods put you into a box and/or only work for people who already have a certain baseline level of fitness.
There are many other things that make MovNat unique. For example, every single movement they teach is both natural for the human body to perform and also practical (i.e. it serves a “real world” purpose). The MovNat method also progressively puts us more in touch with nature and our true nature through trainable skills such as mindfulness, instinct, and my favorite, adaptability (more info on these below). Sure, you can do MovNat in the gym, which is where the bulk of my Level 1 and 2 certifications took place. But the ultimate goal is to help you gain the abilities to move naturally, safely, and efficiently in nature – where the environment is much different than your typical gym. Nature can be rough, slippery, hot, cold, unstable, unpredictable, and a myriad of other factors that impact safety, technique, and performance. For example, lifting a heavy stone, log, or piano is much different than lifting a barbell or dumbbell. Balancing on a fallen tree that is slippery, inclined, and swaying is very different than balancing on a beam at the gym with crash pads beneath you. Jumping across river stones is very different than doing endless box jumps. You don’t isolate muscle groups when you’re moving out in nature. You use your body as a whole, the way it naturally functions. All of these factors and many others are taken into account and seamlessly integrated into the MovNat method. It truly represents a new paradigm of training that’s rooted in very old principles.
MovNat also focuses on what your body can do, instead of what your body looks like, which I personally believe is a very healthy and refreshing perspective. And wouldn’t you know that when you get really good at moving your body, it gets fitter in the process?
There’s a lot more I could say, but here’s a good summary: MovNat is a practical, movement-based fitness system for helping you learn how to move naturally and adaptively throughout your environment – whether man made or in nature (even if your closest nature is a local park, playground, or the urban jungle). It helps you become a well-rounded human mover from the ground up. Somone who is “strong to be helpful”, fit, and capable for the real world (i.e. for everyday needs and emergency situations).
Who is this “John guy” and why is he reviewing MovNat?
My name is John Sifferman, and I’ve been a health-first fitness coach since 2006. I also have a wife, four kids, a dog, a bunny, a fish, and probably too many other responsibilities. You can learn more about me on the About page.
In 2009, I attended my very first MovNat event, a 5-day retreat with the founder, Erwan Le Corre. This was a life-changing experience, in which we were immersed into the practice of Natural Movement and the lifestyle that goes with it. As I wrote in my review of this transformative course, it challenged and shifted my paradigm of health and fitness. And it’s had an influence on my training and lifestyle ever since.
However, it wasn’t until a few years ago that I fully embraced the MovNat method in my own training. Until then, MovNat was a supplement to my other training – an addition to what I had already been doing for the past 10+ years. MovNat was always something I did on the side for fun or exploration…after my calisthenics, weightlifting, clubbell and kettlebell swinging, mobility, yoga, etc. I still enjoy, practice, and find great benefit in all of those activities, by the way, but for a period of about two years, MovNat became my primary focus. I wanted to see what I could accomplish if I fully embraced this method. What kind of results would I get? And would I lose some of the other fitness qualities I’d developed over the years?
Since then, I’ve attended ten additional MovNat courses:
MovNat Level 1 Certification (Jan 2018)
MovNat Level 2 Certification (Aug 2018)
MovNat Immersion Challenge (Sept 2018)
MovNat / Nutritious Movement Workshop (Oct 2018)
MovNat Combatives Certification (Feb 2019)
MovNat Aquatics Certification (Feb 2019)
MovNat Level 3 Certification (Sep 2019)
MovNat Combatives Lite Workshop (Jan 2020)
MovNat Aquatics Lite Workshop (Jan 2020)
MovNat Reconnect Retreat (March 2021)

I guess you could say I’ve been drinking the Kool-aid. So, why would I invest so much time, energy, and resources into this?
Well, for starters, it helps me do my job better. And secondly, I’m the fittest, strongest, and most capable I’ve ever been. I also have no aches, pains, or injuries – and haven’t since I started down this path. That’s a big deal because I had debilitating knee injuries in my youth that I spent years in physical therapy for; the effects of which lingered well into adulthood. Plus, as an adult, I had seasons of constant back pain, and the occasional strain that left me barely able to move for a few days. I also went through a weird period several years ago when I literally felt like I was falling apart. I was hit with one injury after another – inexplicably. I thought I had Lyme disease, but every test came back negative. So, I pursued other medical routes to explain why my neck, shoulder, elbows, hands, back, knees, and feet were bothering me to the point of being unable to do any hard training. I was seeing a great chiropractor and another physical therapist, both of whom helped me immensely, but I never got totally better until I took matters into my own hands.
I never did figure out what was going on back then, but I can say that MovNat, along with a greater emphasis on sleep and stress management seemed to help a lot.
So, it’s been a few years of making MovNat the focus. I’m healthy, strong, and I can do cool things now like make precision jumps (usually!), dive roll like a ninja, muscle up on shaky tree branches, balance on narrow rails at tall heights, and move through nature…without killing myself. I’ve also learned how to swim, freedive, and fight – all from MovNat.
The best part? My knees are fine. My back is fine. Everything’s fine. I feel great. Better than ever, actually. Other than a twisted ankle and a decent rope burn, I haven’t had a single injury in the last 3+ years, which is a pretty good streak considering I spent nearly three years in physical therapy for injuries sustained during my youth.
The cool thing is that as I’ve integrated MovNat into my coaching, I’ve watched the same exact things happen with the people I’m working with. They’ve gained new movement abilities, built stronger and more resilient body’s, and discovered a newfound confidence in life.
So, that’s why I’m writing this review. This stuff really works, and I want you to experience the same things I have. I think the MovNat Certification Program is the best way to do that.
Speaking of which…
What is the MovNat Certification Program and what do you get when you sign up?
As I mentioned earlier, MovNat has a lot of great information about what’s included with your purchase on their website. Just know that there are many resources included on top of the training event itself, and you’ll get a lot more out of the event if you study them closely.
Upon signup, you’ll receive training manuals, preparation guides, movement reference guides, training videos, and more. Basically, everything you need to learn all about the movements, the method, and get ready for the event. While there are some formatting issues and the occasional typo, these are high quality, professional resources that will help you understand and apply the many concepts of the system.
You’ll also get access to their MCT (MovNat Certified Trainer) email newsletter, private Facebook group, private forum, and other opportunities reserved for MCTs.
And of course, there’s the training event/workshop itself. My Level 1 certification was two and a half days of professional instruction. Level 2 was two full days, and Level 3 was four full days.
Why MovNat and not another movement-based fitness system?
There are lots of great fitness and movement methods out there these days. So, why MovNat instead of some of the other popular options?
Well, I like MovNat because it’s…
Natural – MovNat teaches the most helpful movements because they are species specific. These are not random exercises or “animal movements.” They’re human movements. That’s not to say other unnatural movements don’t have value, but that natural movements provide the best bang for your buck.
Comprehensive – Most fitness methods are highly specialized in a few movement patterns. Some focus exclusively on ground movements. Others in acrobatics. But in MovNat, ALL of the natural human movements are integrated into the curriculum (e.g. ground movements, get ups, crawling, walking, running, balancing, jumping, vaulting, lifting, carrying, throwing, catching, climbing, swimming, combatives, etc.).
Progressive – There are enough tools for progression & regression that anyone, regardless of their current condition or ability, can get started and make steady progress with MovNat in a step-by-step fashion. So, unlike a lot of modern exercise programs, you don’t need to be fit to move naturally. You actually need to move naturally to get and stay fit. That’s something they say a lot at MovNat.

Adaptable – This is perhaps the #1 thing that makes MovNat unique from all the other fitness methods out there: it’s a superb method for helping you prepare for an unknown and uncertain future. One example is that their curriculum is designed to help you get better at adapting to various and/or changing circumstances, whether those are environmental (e.g. muddy, icy, unstable, etc.) or situational (e.g. safe vs dangerous, urgent, unpredictable, etc.). Almost nobody teaches adaptability outside of a sports/athletic context, and none seemingly as directly or thoroughly as MovNat does – making it a rare and invaluable feature for those who take their training very seriously. There’s a great article about this here: Adaptability – the “Missing Link” in Fitness.
Practical – Natural Movement is the epitome of “real world” fitness because it puts you right into the context in which you are training for. For example, crawling is not taught merely because it’s good for conditioning, but also because you may need to crawl to get under something, stay low, or any other number of practical reasons. With MovNat, you’ll learn that every single movement they teach has a practical purpose. The cool part is that I find myself moving more than ever because I’ve built these many Natural Movement skills into my everyday life. It can be a game-changer for those with sedentary lifestyles.
Flexible – MovNat is not a one-size-fits-all, “cookie cutter” program that is the same for everyone. It’s a method that can be applied to any fitness-related goal, whether that’s simply improved movement skills, improved conditioning, or healthier body composition, among others. It’s a collection of tools and principles that can meet many needs for many people.
Restorative – I believe the very act of moving your body the way it’s designed to move has inherent restorative effects. It makes sense because so many of our health problems are caused by a lack of movement (e.g. excessive sitting and other sedentary habits or highly-specialized movement behaviors). So, when we reintegrate natural physical activity, good things start happening to those who have suffered from the effects of deconditioning. I’ve witnessed it in myself and many others these past few years.

Non-Dogmatic & Non-Judgmental – Also worth mentioning is I’ve found the community and culture within MovNat to be very positive, friendly, open-minded, and inviting. There are no haters here. Just beautiful, diverse, non-judgmental people who love health and movement and don’t look down on others. I wanted to mention that because a) it’s something you don’t necessarily learn until you’re IN the community, and b) it’s rare. While there are certainly some MovNat “purists” out there who use ONLY MovNat, I’ve never once felt like this is a cult (e.g. “it’s my way or the highway” type thinking). On the contrary, I’ve found that most MovNatters (including their top instructors) come from many different backgrounds and all walks of life and are interested in a wide variety of topics and even movement disciplines (e.g. yoga, martial arts, outdoor/adventure sports, etc.). And I can’t say that’s been true for all the organizations I’ve been a part of.
Anyway, those are some of the main reasons I’ve come to love MovNat and now prefer it over some of the other popular fitness methods that are around nowadays.
My Experience at the MovNat Level 1 Certification (Review)
“Real world fitness.”
For the sake of brevity (and your sanity), let’s stick to some of the biggest highlights and takeaways from each event.
My L1 and L2 Certifications were taught by Master Instructor, Danny Clark, who also happens to be the Performance Director at MovNat. I found him and all the other MovNat professionals I’ve interacted with to be excellent instructors who embody the both the practice and lifestyle of Natural Movement.

The MovNat curriculum is brilliant, which is especially evident in Level 1 – not just because of the sheer number of diverse movements that are covered, but also the framework of the MovNat method itself. Throughout the event, the many movements were broken down and explained in detail (MovNat calls this “deconstruction”). We were coached in how to perform them first effectively (i.e. successfully), then efficiently (i.e. with good technique that maximizes safety, performance, and energy conservation), and finally adaptively (i.e. in a specific context, such as in an obstacle course, a game, or some other situation the instructor crafted for us). We learned about coaching, creating a safe training environment, and the principles and techniques for optimizing movement efficiency, among many other tools and topics for becoming a more capable mover. We also learned basic programming (e.g. how to create a MovNat combo workout), played movement games, and setup various obstacle courses to move through.
Looking back, I think the real value of this event is not just in the many movement skills and physical abilities you will acquire, but also in the paradigm shift that will take place as the nuances of Natural Movement begin to make sense. Things will start to “click” and you’ll finally understand how everything fits together, which will help you see yourself, your environment, and movement in a totally new way.
The other tangible value of any MovNat event is that you’ll return home with a crystal clear idea of your actual movement abilities in the present. Not a figurative or theoretical idea. But how well you can perform if you had to balance, jump, and/or climb right now.
For me, the biggest highlight of this event was learning the building blocks of Natural Movement with such a diverse group of people. We had folks of all ages, genders, and abilities. Some were very competent movers, and others were just starting out. We also had a lady who had recently recovered from an injury causing paralysis, which was super inspiring.

I really believe the Level 1 Certification is accessible to virtually everyone who is healthy enough to exercise. You don’t need to be super fit to participate or pass all of the tests. Of course, preparation will go a long way because everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Personally, I find climbing movements to be fairly easy to learn (probably all those pull-ups I’ve been doing has helped!), but balancing is another story. It took me a few months to learn how to do the Pivot Reverse with good technique consistently. And I still have to be very mindful when I perform it now or I’ll tip over. Balance just doesn’t come naturally to me. And you could clearly witness each persons strengths and weaknesses at this event.
But we were all there for the same reason – to get better. And there was no judgment or competition whatsoever. Just a warm and inviting atmosphere where all were welcome and encouraged to do their best. It was a beautiful dynamic that is all too uncommon in the predominantly egocentric fitness culture.
The only thing I didn’t like about my Level 1 Certification experience was that the format was such that it included a “2-day workshop” during the same event. So, there were certification candidates and workshop participants at the same event. While it was great having a large group of participants, some of the event logistics weren’t super smooth because of this. Fortunately, MovNat has discontinued their 2-day workshops, making this a non-issue now.

In terms of constructive criticism, I wish there was a bigger emphasis on programming and coaching at the Level 1 event. Yes, the MCT training materials provide plenty of information, and these topics were covered at the event, but I would have liked more teaching and practice in these areas. That said, there was a LOT of information to cover, and I later learned that programming is covered in more depth in the Level 2 certification.
My biggest takeaway from Level 1 was that the basics are so SO important – and not just for beginners. We should all return to them regularly, especially those things that we struggle with or avoid because we’re better at other activities. Earning your level 1 certification forces you to focus on both your strengths and weaknesses, which creates a cascade of positive training adaptations and overall results from your practice that I believe need to be experienced to be fully understood.
To get the most out of this event, I highly recommend closely studying the many training materials that are included with your registration, and spending at least a few hours a week practicing the movements themselves.
One other takeaway: I also realized how important it is to master the movements in the Level 1 curriculum prior to moving onto Level 2. Speaking of which…
Level 2
“Move like you’re meant to. Train like you mean it.”
Much of my Level 2 experience was similar to Level 1. So, let’s focus on what was different.
For starters, a good chunk of this event took place outdoors in a local park where we climbed and vaulted (etc.) on trees and playground equipment – requiring a higher level of adaptability than we experienced at the “all indoors” event for Level 1. Simply going outside changes so many variables when it comes to movement. All of a sudden, you’re not in a flat, smooth, stable, dry, air-conditioned space where everything fits perfectly in your hands. Slippery and/or sandy conditions impact your landing technique when jumping. Trees are rough, and there’s no crash pad below you. You really have to pay attention to where you’re going, especially when you’re running or rolling on the ground where there could be obstacles in your path. There’s just so much that changes about movement when you’re out in the real world, and Level 2 provided an excellent and very safe environment for experiencing this transition from the gym to the outside environment.
There was also a distinct jump in the conditioning required to perform some of the more difficult movements and the physical tests included in Level 2. None of the tests required crazy levels of conditioning. However, there is enough variety of tests that unless you train specifically on your weak points, you will likely have trouble with some of the physical tests. For example, many folks struggled with the Pop Ups test because it requires a good bit of upper body strength. For me, it was the insane burn I felt in my thighs during the Balancing Side Shuffling test. Holy moly.
Everyone has weak points, and if you didn’t discover them in Level 1, you almost certainly will in Level 2. Fortunately, you’ll have all the tools needed to improve.
From a coaching and programming standpoint, Level 2 dove into how to use the MovNat method to help folks with very specific needs and training goals (e.g. a young athlete versus a middle aged person who is sedentary and has back pain). We explored various scenarios and learned how to leverage MovNat to work in each particular situation. This is the “meat and potatoes” of programming I was hoping for in Level 1. But looking back, I can see why they save some of this stuff for L2…it’s a lot to take in.
Roughly half of my fellow students passed the Level 2 exams. But this is one of those certifications that very few people will earn without some prior physical preparation. While I would recommend at least 3 months to prepare for Level 1, I’d recommend closer to 6 months for level 2. And at least a year for Level 3, but more on that in a minute.
On a personal level, my biggest takeaway from Level 2 is that there’s a synergy of overall fitness and conditioning that happens when you integrate all the different natural movements into a holistic program. I’ve come to believe this type of training is the most effective way to build well-rounded fitness because each movement skill develops unique conditioning qualities. Jumping, vaulting, and throwing are all great activities for power development through unique Natural Movement patterns. Lifting, carrying, and climbing are obviously great for strength development. Ground movements and get ups for mobility and flexibility. Crawling and balancing for coordination and core stability. The list goes on. So, instead of trying to isolate all these various conditioning attributes, why not just move naturally and let them all be developed naturally? It really works. I witnessed this at the event itself and in myself and others since then.
On a professional level, I realized that between the Level 1 & 2 certification curriculum, I had all the tools I needed to help the vast majority of people with their fitness goals. I also had a lurking feeling that Level 3 would be something else entirely.
Spoiler: I was right.
Level 3
“Get strong by nature.”
The MovNat Level 3 Certification is by far, my favorite training course I’ve ever attended.
Shortly after returning home from this event, I wrote: “Words fail to express the amazing experience I had at the MovNat Level 3 Certification. There were so many highlights: new and stronger friendships, overcoming fears, failures, and challenges, personal breakthroughs, leaps of faith, deep connections and meaningful conversations, just to name a few.”

While it’s true that this event was life-changing, and I’m so blessed to have experienced it, you should know that Level 3 is a whole different animal. It’s not for everyone.
This is a difficult certification to participate in, let alone achieve, even for highly trained athletes and professionals because of the sheer diversity of skills and conditioning attributes that must be performed at a high level. Not only do you need to be competent in dozens of advanced natural movements (built upon the foundation you made with earlier levels of training), you also need to have the skill and conditioning to apply them in complex testing scenarios. That’s why Level 3 has a very low passing rate. I learned 20% of the participants in my L3 certification passed. The year before, nobody passed. So, it’s no cakewalk.
There’s a lot of mystery surrounding the Level 3 certification, by design. They don’t want you to know what you’re getting yourself into. While there is a detailed preparation guide with recommendations for training and performance benchmarks to work towards, they also want you to be ready for anything. For example, they didn’t give us much information about the agenda for the days we were training. Likewise, nobody knew what the tests would be until they happened, and I’m told they use different tests at every Level 3 event to keep people guessing. In some cases, tests were created on the spot without warning. It was different and uncomfortable, and I loved it!
This event was four full days, three of which all took place outdoors in nature – and not necessarily in a nicely groomed park, as was the case in Level 2. While we were never far from civilization, we were definitely off the beaten path.

Level 3 also included a higher degree of risk than previous levels. For example, balancing on a narrow rail several feet up in the air. Or, jumping between two rocks where a fall would likely result in injury. That said, safety was always emphasized, and I never felt like I was ever in any danger. Sometimes, people opted out of certain activities or tests they weren’t comfortable with. And they don’t let just anyone into a Level 3 certification. This one’s gotta be earned, just like the first two.
Dealing with risk and fear definitely affects movement, and this was a progressive way to experience that under the expert eyes of our instructors.

I had two major takeaways. The first is that we are capable of so much more than we think we are. Here we were, as a group, doing things most people would consider impossible for your average human being. But none of us were super-humans. I’m certainly not. But that’s the power of the MovNat method. It can help anyone – regardless of their current ability – get better, step by step, inch by inch; eventually getting you to a high level of movement performance if you want it bad enough.
I distinctly remember the moment the Inverted Vault finally “clicked” and I started sailing over the obstacles that used to intimidate me. And the feeling of butterflies in my stomach as a I took a deep breath before landing the furthest and scariest jump I’ve ever attempted. A moment of triumph after easily passing the breath hold test I had worked hard to prepare for. The moment I launched myself off a boulder not knowing what was below, but trusting my instructors knew I was ready for this “leap of faith.” The awe-inspiring presence of nature as 20 amazing humans climbed a mountain as silently as possible. Acing a rope climb test that I really didn’t want to do. And let’s not forget the moment I failed a test and knew I wouldn’t return home with a certificate like I’d hoped. These and so many other beautiful experiences at the Level 3 certification brought me so much joy, and their memory floods me with gratitude. What a trip!
It culminated with an epic challenge in a canyon on the last day…with torrential downpours. So much fun!

The second big takeaway is that Level 3 is about so much more than just the more advanced movement skills. So much of modern culture, including fitness, is compartmentalized and divorced from nature. MovNat is bringing us back by helping us reconnect to nature, ourselves, and each other. This is truly whole person training; mind, body, and spirit (plus “land” and “tribe”). Looking back, I can see how this is actually the case in all three levels, but I noticed it the most at Level 3, which I see as the pièce de résistance of MovNat; or, akin to going for your black belt in Natural Movement.
I learned so much from my Level 3 instructors, Danny Clark, Kellen Milad, and Kimberly Alexander, who cultivated an atmosphere for deep personal growth for me and my fellow students. I also learned a lot from all of the amazing, positive, focused, and driven people who participated with me. Speaking of which, usually when you go to events like these, you bond by the very last day. But this time, there was an almost instant connection. Must be all that MovNat Kool-aid.

Level 3 is an experience I’m immensely grateful for, despite the many scratches/scrapes, and a couple nasty rope burns I brought home as souvenirs (GRAPHIC).
Note: I may have had the worst rope burns in the history of a MovNat certification, but so help me God…I passed that test. Next time, I’m wearing pants for that one!
Only four men earned their Level 3 certification at the event. I failed two of the ten tests, one of which I thought would be an “easy A.” So, I didn’t earn this certification until a few weeks after I returned home and retested, but this was absolutely one of the best courses I’ve ever attended.
If you love movement and also love a challenge, I recommend it wholeheartedly.
Note: Here is one of the Level 3 retests I did at home…
What Kind of Results Can You Expect to Receive?
MovNat helps you get better at moving, and you get fitter in the process. I mentioned earlier that I’m fitter and healthier than I’ve ever been in my life. I can do things now that I never thought I’d be able to do…without hurting myself. And it’s not just a couple cool moves either. MovNat produces balanced, well-rounded, capable movers – not one-trick ponies. It’s a new paradigm that has changed my life. That’s not to say I’ve totally abandoned other forms of training. Rather, MovNat has enhanced all aspects of my training while adding new elements that are uniquely beneficial.
If you commit to the system, I’m confident you’ll improve your movement skills, fitness level, health, and body composition naturally. You’ll grow in abilities and confidence. And you’ll learn how to integrate your training into a lifestyle of activity – so that you never put fitness in a box again.
Just the fact that I and thousands of others have gone on this journey – whether that’s Level 1, 2, or 3 – is a testament to power of this simple, yet profound idea, that humans thrive the most when we think and move the way we are meant to. I feel privileged to have experienced this firsthand, observed it in so many others, and for having played a small part in it of my own.
Who is the MovNat Certification Program best-suited for?
Pretty much everyone. But since that isn’t super helpful, when I think of who exactly would be best-served by this program, three types of people come to mind…
1 – Regular folks who just want to be healthy, strong, and free…who either hate exercise or haven’t been satisfied with all the conventional fitness methods that are out there nowadays. And especially those who feel like you don’t fit in with other fitness communities. If that’s you, MovNat might just be what you’re looking for. You’ll quickly learn that all are welcome, fitness is supposed to be fun, and you’re more capable than you think you are.
2 – If you’re in pain or have ever felt broken, trapped, or doomed because of health problems or injuries (I’ve been there!) – from exercise or the lack thereof – but you still want to be healthy and capable for a lifetime, MovNat would be a perfect fit for you. It will show you what you CAN do, and help you restore your innate human abilities from the ground up. You just gotta give it a chance and believe in yourself.
3 – Busy professionals who want an edge in their practice. Whether you’re a fitness trainer, a physical therapist, or some other health expert, the MovNat Certification will give you a collection of tools that will fill gaps in your skillset and help you provide more value to your clients, especially if you go for Level 2 as well. Of all the movement-based fitness methods out there, this is the one to get, IMO. If you use it, it’ll be well-worth the investment.

Even if you don’t fit perfectly into one of those descriptions above, if you love a challenge and a sense of community, and you’re open to new ways of thinking and moving, and you want to build real world fitness – not merely the appearance of fitness – then I think a MovNat Certification will be right up your alley.
It’s also an ideal solution for anyone who cares about longevity and wants to be moving well into old age.
So, if that’s you, I would seriously consider investing in the Level 1 certification.
The Bottom Line
“Movement is medicine.”
Twelve years ago, I made a decision to attend a 5-day MovNat retreat with Erwan Le Corre. As I reflect back on all the movement and training I’ve experienced since then – at home, in local parks, gyms, and in nature – I realized that the more I give to Natural Movement, the more it gives back to me.
It was the MovNat Certification Program that was the catalyst for the dramatic results I’ve experienced these last few years. So, I would encourage you to take that next step in your movement journey, whether you’re just getting started with the fundamentals or looking to get to the next level after years of practice.
There’s more to MovNat than better fitness and movement skills. A lot more. This method can change your life like it has mine.
Whoever you are, I hope you’ll take that next step in your Natural Movement journey after reading my story. I think you’ll find it was worth the effort.
Use coupon code “john_movnat” to save 10% on select MovNat events.

TL:DR – I’m a believer. I think anyone who is interested in better movement and fitness should seriously consider attending a MovNat Certification. I don’t think you’ll have any regrets, other than not doing it sooner. Move it or lose it.
Best regards,
John Sifferman
Health-First Fitness Coach & MovNat Master Trainer
Author of Physical Living and The Pull-Up Solution
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P.S. Not ready for the full experience? Get started with some of MovNat’s other resources at home. I’d recommend The Practice of Natural Movement Book, the MovNat Adaptive Practice Sessions newsletter (free weekly MovNat workouts), and their premium E-courses, especially Level 1 Fundamentals.
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MovNat® and Natural Movement® are registered trademarks of Erwan Le Corre.
All photos provided courtesy of MovNat, LLC.