Can you believe another year has come and gone? Let me tell you, the older I get, the faster time seems to fly. And with the growing legion of Siffer-kids, it seems to fly at the speed of light.
As I’ve done in the past, this year, I’ve collected some of the top posts from 2014 for your reading pleasure. It’s too easy for a good post to get missed and be forever lost in the archives. So, I’ve put together a list of the very best ones for you to check out – just in case you missed them when they were first released or would like to re-read any.
So, grab yourself a hot drink or some beef jerky to munch on, and take a peek at some of the best of Physical Living in 2014.
We’ll start the list off with a bang. Enjoy!
16-Year Old Girl Totally Shatters The Plank World Record: Watch This 16-Year Old Girl, Gabi Ury, DOUBLE The Guinness World Record For The Plank Exercise: Learn How She Did It, Why She Did It, And What YOU Can Learn From This Special Young Lady
Are you missing any of these 15 critical fitness secrets? It seems that everyone wants to know the secret to this or the secret to that. So, I thought I’d give you 15 insider tips to elite fitness in one handy-dandy list.
6 Reasons Why You Never Have Time To Exercise
30 Days to a 5 Minute Plank and Rock-Hard Abs: A Complete Abs Workout Program to Help You Get Ripped and Dramatically Improve Your Core Strength Using a Unique Twist on the Plank Exercise (for all skill levels)
How Long Should I Hold The Plank Exercise For? What Scientists, Researchers, And Fitness Coaches Think About How Long To Hold A Plank: Including Official And Unofficial Standards, Average Plank Exercise Test Results, And The Latest World Records (Plus, Two Free Programs to Help You Increase Your Plank Time)
Interview with Navy SEAL, Stew Smith, about Pull-up Training: Learn a Navy SEAL’s go-to Methods for Quickly and Efficiently Improving Pull-up Performance for a Physical Fitness Test
5 Subtle Ways to Make Pull-ups and Chin-ups A Little Easier: Pull-ups Are Tough, But They Don’t Have To Be! Here Are Five Strategies To Make Pull-ups, Chin-ups And Their Many Variations A Little Bit Easier
How to Hike as a Family for over 2000 Miles (Do It Like This): Meet the Family of Five that is About to Finish their 2100+ Mile Journey Hiking from Georgia to Maine on the Appalachian Trail
Note: don’t miss the interview with the family BEFORE starting their hike: How a Family of Five Plans to Thru-Hike the 2000+ Mile Appalachian Trail this Summer
9 Fitness Tips For Brand New Parents: How To Stay Fit When You Have a New Baby In The House
How to Reverse the Consequences of Physical Inactivity: The risks, dangers, and consequences associated with physical inactivity is one of the most important subjects in our day and age. But sadly, this topic is usually downplayed, if not outright ignored. And when ideas are actually proposed for how to improve our rapidly declining health predicament, they’re usually piss-poor solutions that don’t actually help people in real life. So, in this post, I want to tell you straight how to solve this problem, in a way that most sources – including this helpful info-graphic – often fail to address.
Women can’t do Pull-ups? Watch them.
Introducing The Pull-up Solution by John Sifferman: Announcing a Brand-New Pull-up and Chin-up Training System to Help You Rapidly Increase Your Pull-up Strength and Performance so That You can do More Reps – Guaranteed!
15 Reasons Why Exercise Is NOT Boring
Advice to Those Who Are Waiting For The Time to be Just Right
What I Love Most About Running
So, you’re fit. Now what? You’re finally in good shape. Congratulations. You’ve done well. But now what do you do?
Lifting Weights Is Dangerous. And So Is Crossfit.
To Listen to Music or Not While Exercising? That is the WRONG Question.
He Wrote Me a Check for $500 and Told Me to Cash it if He Didn’t Lose Weight
The Complete Six Degree Flow Review – First Impressions: Scott Sonnon’s new Six Degree Flow program is a comprehensive, plug-and-play, bodyweight training system that will help you burn stubborn body fat, build functional muscle, heal aches and pains, prevent injuries, and improve your fitness using a variety of unconventional movement skills and exercises that were specifically created to increase the amount of flow in your life and help you feel and perform at your best.
The Alligator Crawl Bodyweight Exercise For Core Strength: Strengthen and Shape-up Your Mid-section and Sculpt Your Arms and Shoulders with this Fun Bodyweight Exercise That Will Have Your Neighbors Scratching Their Heads
Knuckle Pushups VS Traditional Pushups: Which is Better?
Before you head out, you should also know that along with the posts linked above, I compiled a directory of the top posts on PhysicalLiving.com (of all time). So, be sure to check that one out, too. Thank you for the support!
Click Here to Read The Top Posts on Physical Living
And from the whole Sifferman family, we wish you a joyful holiday season and a fantastic start to 2015.
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Health-First Fitness Coach
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